3987 results found
Health topics
… the bony bumps you can feel on the inside and outside of your elbow. Tendinopathy or epicondylopathy is a term used … collectively. These terms aren't yet universally used. Your doctor may still use the term tendinitis or … pain during work, play, or daily activities: Strengthen your wrist, arm, shoulder, and back muscles to help protect …
Health topics
… pills. The sugar pills don't contain any hormones. You have your period on that week. But other packs have no sugar … called continuous use. With this method, you will not get your period as often. Or you may not get it at all. How well … out of 100 have an unplanned pregnancy. Be sure to tell your doctor about any health problems you have or medicines …
Health topics
… help, and memorize the phone number. Be careful online too. Your online activity may be seen by others. Do not use your personal computer or device to read about this topic. … leave suddenly. If you have children, take them. And take your pets, too, if possible. Checklist for preparing to …
Health topics
… the wound and protect you from another person's blood. Wash your hands well with soap and water, if available. Put on … of fabric, plastic bags, or whatever you have between your hands and the wound. Have the person hold their own … and apply pressure and elevate the injured area. Use your bare hands to apply pressure only as a last resort. …
Health topics
… a say in this decision, or you may simply want to follow your doctor's recommendation. Either way, this information will help you understand what your choices are so that you can talk to your doctor about them. Lumbar Herniated Disc: Should I Have …
Health topics
… decisions in case you can't think clearly during an attack. Your plan can help you stay active and have fewer problems. … activities. You use your chest muscles to breathe. The skin between, above, and under the ribs collapses inward … activities. You use your chest muscles to breathe. The skin between, above, and under the ribs collapses inward …
Health topics
… oximeter is a device that checks to see how much oxygen your blood is carrying. Usually a small clip is put on the … toe or earlobe.) The device shines a light beam through the skin. It estimates your oxygen level by measuring the … toe or earlobe.) The device shines a light beam through the skin. It estimates your oxygen level by measuring the …
Health topics
… may prevent toe, foot, or ankle problems or injuries. Have your feet measured regularly. The size of your feet may … have seams. This will prevent rubbing or irritation of the skin. Find comfortable shoes for home. Consider sandals, … have seams. This will prevent rubbing or irritation of the skin. Find comfortable shoes for home. Consider sandals, …
Health topics
… chronic kidney disease means that kidney disease has caused your anemia. Your doctor will have ruled out other causes of … ESA. This medicine is most often given as a shot under the skin (subcutaneous). Both treatments can be given through an … ESA. This medicine is most often given as a shot under the skin (subcutaneous). Both treatments can be given through an …
Health topics
… to aid healing. Humour therapy helps you find ways to make yourself (or others) smile and laugh more. When you think of … or helpless, which are common problems for those with cancer or chronic diseases. Humour therapy is also valuable … Binge Eating Disorder Bulimia Nervosa Cancer: Controlling Cancer Pain Complementary Medicine Panic …