3987 results found
Health topics
… fibrillation. It uses a brief electric shock to reset your heart's rhythm. Before the treatment, you will get … are rare. You can get a small area of burn on your skin where the patches are placed. Current as of: … are rare. You can get a small area of burn on your skin where the patches are placed. Current as of: …
Health topics
… three conditions must be met to make sure that it works: Your baby must be 6 months of age or younger. After your … type is best for you. Options include: Birth control pills, skin patches, and vaginal rings. But it's best to use … type is best for you. Options include: Birth control pills, skin patches, and vaginal rings. But it's best to use …
Health topics
… to hear. Cochlear implants can be programmed according to your specific needs and degree of hearing loss. Unlike … may be worn behind the ear. Small device placed under the skin near the ear, with electrodes placed in the cochlea . … may be worn behind the ear. Small device placed under the skin near the ear, with electrodes placed in the cochlea . …
Health topics
… may include: Itching (pruritus). Fatigue. Yellowing of the skin and the white part of the eyes (jaundice). Discomfort … (ALP) and antimitochondrial antibodies (AMA) in the blood. Your doctor may also conduct an imaging test such as an … may include: Itching (pruritus). Fatigue. Yellowing of the skin and the white part of the eyes (jaundice). Discomfort …
Health topics
… risk-free alternatives to smoking. And they are harmful to your body. They can lead to: White patches or red sores in … your mouth, called leukoplakia . They can turn into mouth cancer (oral cancer) involving the lip, tongue, or cheek. Tooth loss and …
Health topics
… chair or lie down. Insert one finger into the condom. With your other hand, squeeze together the closed end of the condom and place that end into your vagina. Use the finger inside the condom to push the … end of the condom will hang about 2.5 centimetres outside your vagina. During intercourse the penis should be inside …
Health topics
… pregnancy. This means you take a pill even when you have your period. How well do they work? In the first year of … out of 100 have an unplanned pregnancy. Be sure to tell your doctor about any health problems you have or medicines … (STIs), such as herpes or HIV/AIDS. If you aren't sure if your sex partner might have an STI, use a condom to protect …
Health topics
… Gynecomastia may be caused by an imbalance of hormones in your body. It can happen from normal hormone changes during … that can cause this, such as hormone therapy for prostate cancer and medicines used to treat high blood pressure or … medical history. Tests that may be done to rule out breast cancer include ultrasound, mammogram, and a breast biopsy. …
Health topics
… but a little behind in another. At routine checkups, your child's doctor will check for milestones. This is to … Early Healthy Eating for Children Learning Disabilities Protecting Your Skin From the Sun Talking With Your Child About Sex …
Health topics
… discharge. This occurs only when you press on your nipple. It is usually normal and occurs in the majority … It may be a side effect of a medicine or caused by a non-cancerous tumour in the pituitary gland (pituitary adenoma), … thyroid function ( hypothyroidism ), or certain types of cancer. Call your doctor if you have spontaneous nipple …