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Health topics
… care. During routine checkups visits the doctor will check your child's dental health. A visit to a dentist is recommended within 6 months of when your child's first tooth comes in but no later than your child's first birthday. footnote 1 Some parents may …
Health topics
… ways to wean. Gradual weaning happens over time. It lets your baby have more control over when to stop breastfeeding. … happens all at once. Which style you use will depend on your preferences, why you plan to wean, and how often your baby breastfeeds. Gradual weaning One way to let a baby …
Health topics
… You also will follow instructions on how to clean out your colon. This will help your doctor to be able to see inside your colon during the test. Before you schedule When you …
Health topics
… affections, argumentative, and at times even hurtful. As your teen struggles with becoming independent, it is natural for them to detach from you at times. Remember that your teen still needs you. Although your teen may not ever let on, your unconditional love and …
Health topics
… who is grieving. Here are some ideas that may help. Teach your teen about the grieving process. Teens may need help … between normal feelings and feelings of grief. Reassure your teen that grief is normal. Make time to listen to your teen. When a teen wants to talk, give your undivided …
Health topics
… Information Overview Right after the ostomy surgery, your activities will be restricted to ensure healing. During … are usually fine. If you had an exercise routine, talk to your doctor about when you can restart it. Ask your doctor before you take part in contact sports that …
Health topics
… Record On this page: Overview Overview Your doctor may ask you to keep a record of your child's temper tantrums before you bring your child in for a physical examination. It's a good idea …
Health topics
… How Well It Works Risks Treatment Overview Depending on your lung condition, pulmonary rehabilitation combines … you: Lead a more active life. Have fewer symptoms. Improve your quality of life. Encourage your active participation in your treatment. Keep you out of …
Health topics
… because it can help you maintain a heart-healthy lifestyle. Your goals may include: Lowering your risk of future heart problems. Continuing to exercise to regain your physical function. Learning how to maintain a healthy …
Health topics
… Pelvic organ prolapse means that a pelvic organ—such as your bladder—has moved from its normal position and is … about your past and current health. This includes asking about your symptoms and past pregnancies. Your doctor … about your past and current health. This includes asking about your symptoms and past pregnancies. Your doctor …