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Health topics
… results in the birth of a healthy baby. Many things affect your chances of conceiving and carrying a healthy pregnancy, with or without treatment. Major ones include: Your age and how long you've been trying to conceive. Your age (and the age of your egg supply) has a big impact …
Health topics
… page: Overview Overview You can help your doctor diagnose and treat your condition by being prepared to answer questions about your symptoms. Since some symptoms are difficult to …
Health topics
… happens when tissue bulges through a weak spot in your groin area. You may see or feel a tender bulge in the … Your doctor can usually diagnose an inguinal hernia by asking questions about your health and doing a physical … Your doctor can usually diagnose an inguinal hernia by asking questions about your health and doing a physical …
Health topics
… 10- to 15-minute session usually is all that's needed. When your head is firmly moved into different positions, the … Epley manoeuvre and the Semont manoeuvre. In some cases, your doctor or physiotherapist may have you do a modified Epley procedure at home. If your doctor has shown you how and you feel confident, you …
Health topics
… (which used to be called acute renal failure) means that your kidneys have suddenly stopped working normally. Your kidneys remove waste products and help balance water and salt and other minerals ( electrolytes ) in your blood. When your kidneys stop working, waste products, …
Health topics
… sound that the blood makes as it flows through the heart. Your doctor uses a stethoscope to listen to your heartbeat. When you have a heart murmur, your doctor can hear an extra whooshing or swishing noise …
Health topics
… for affection. But sometimes, you can try everything and your baby won't stop crying. Here are some tips that may help soothe and calm your baby down. Snuggle your baby close to your chest. Check your baby's diaper. …
Health topics
… approach to food and exercise. Avoid punishing or rewarding your children with food. Be a good role model for healthy … Be a good role model by having a positive view of yourself, regardless of your body shape and size. If this is a struggle of your own, …
Health topics
… or in the hospital. Where you have it depends on how severe your pre-eclampsia is. Expectant management at home If you have signs of pre-eclampsia early in pregnancy, your doctor or midwife may prescribe expectant management at … activity. You may be advised to stop working or to reduce your activity level. Expectant management might limit your
Health topics
… general. So be sure to read the information that came with your medicine. If you have any questions or concerns, talk to your pharmacist or doctor. What are some examples? Here are … work? Antiplatelets prevent blood clots from forming in your blood vessels and heart. This can prevent a heart …