3987 results found
Health topics
… feeling happier or grouchier than usual. Keeping track of your moods in a daily journal or on a calendar. Sticking … eat meals at the same time each day. Trying to reduce your stress. Going to counselling. Taking your medicines as prescribed. How can you prevent a manic …
Health topics
… Health Connect Registry Last updated July 5, 2024 Keeping your information up to date will help us make the best match … and patient relationship is an important step in you and your family’s healthful living. On this page: Register to … people in need of a family doctor or nurse practitioner in your community. Registration takes less than five minutes. …
Health topics
… Having bradycardia (say "bray-dee-KAR-dee-uh") means that your heart beats very slowly. For most adults, a heart rate … 100 beats a minute while at rest is considered normal. If your heart beats less than 60 times a minute, it is slower … to exercise. Feel tired. Have chest pain or a feeling that your heart is pounding or fluttering (palpitations). Feel …
Health topics
… but it may happen in the other toes too. If you notice that your toe looks odd or hurts, talk to your doctor. You may be … hold the foot in a more comfortable position, such as moleskin , toe tubes, arch supports, or other shoe inserts … fixed toe. Care for any calluses or corns on your feet. Moleskin and other over-the-counter treatments may help relieve …
Health topics
… bodies and minds fit and healthy – and during adolescence, your child needs at least 60 minutes of activity every day. … activity is important Being active is an important part of your child's daily routine. It's a great way for them to … to achieve the health benefits. Moderate activities make your child gently “huff and puff”. These could include brisk …
Health topics
… general. So be sure to read the information that came with your medicine. If you have any questions or concerns, talk to your pharmacist or doctor. What are some examples? Here are … Bupropion/naltrexone (Contrave): This medicine may reduce your appetite. It may help you avoid overeating. Liraglutide …
Health topics
… Overview The purpose of physiotherapy is to decrease your pain and help you slowly return to your normal activities. It may reduce pain in the soft tissues, such as your muscles, ligaments, and tendons. It may also improve …
Health topics
… injury ( tendinopathy ) can cause pain at the side of your hip when you rise from a chair and take your first few steps, climb stairs, drive, or lie down with … heels. Walk up and down stairs one at a time, leading with your strong leg when you go up stairs or curbs, and with …
Health topics
… the first and third trimesters. During the first trimester, your developing baby (fetus) is growing quickly. Your body is producing higher levels of progesterone . This … like many women, you'll have more energy during most of your second trimester. In the third trimester, your body is …
Health topics
… Action Plan On this page: Overview Overview No matter what your health goal is, creating a specific plan can help you succeed. Follow the steps below to create your plan. This will put you on a path toward meeting your goal. Step 1: Know your own reason. Why is this change …