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… school because of repeated throat infections or has trouble sleeping because of enlarged tonsils that may block his or … Your child will get a general anesthetic and will be asleep during the surgery. Your child may go home on the day … school because of repeated throat infections or has trouble sleeping because of enlarged tonsils. Doctors don't all …
Health topics
Health topics
Health topics
… include: Age older than 60. Being male. Obesity. Sleep apnea . A family history of atrial fibrillation. Other … pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes. Know the signs of sleep apnea . Tell your doctor if you have symptoms such as snoring and feeling sleepy during the day. Many people with atrial fibrillation …
Health topics
… tightness in the chest. Feel short of breath. Have trouble sleeping because of coughing and wheezing. Quickly get tired … substances ( allergens ) that cause allergic reactions . Studies show that exposure to allergens such as dust mites , … which is rapid, shallow breathing or difficulty breathing . Sleep disturbance. Tiring quickly during exercise. If your …
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… symptoms? Menopause symptoms include hot flashes , trouble sleeping, and vaginal dryness. You may have only a few mild … fat. Symptoms Symptoms may include: Hot flashes. Trouble sleeping. Vaginal dryness. Symptoms related to mood and … cohosh has had mixed results. Soy may improve symptoms. But studies have shown mixed results. Remember that natural …
Health topics
… cancers early, when the cancer may be more easily treated. Studies show that a small number of women who have … I have a friend who has had two biopsies, and many sleepless nights, and it turned out to be nothing. I'm … I have a friend who has had two biopsies, and many sleepless nights, and it turned out to be nothing. I'm …
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… tiredness that doesn't seem to go away, even with rest or sleep. Some people may only have mild fatigue. For others, … tiredness that doesn't seem to go away, even with rest or sleep. Some people may only have mild fatigue. For others, …
Health topics
… gift. Gratitude is linked to well-being. One group of three studies suggests that people who practice gratitude appear … gift. Gratitude is linked to well-being. One group of three studies suggests that people who practice gratitude appear …