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… colposuspension surgeries longer than sling surgeries. Many studies have been done on the Burch colposuspension surgery. … colposuspension surgeries longer than sling surgeries. Many studies have been done on the Burch colposuspension surgery. …
Health topics
… play a role in the management of type 2 diabetes. But more studies are needed to know how well it really works. … play a role in the management of type 2 diabetes. But more studies are needed to know how well it really works. …
Health topics
Health topics
… are approved and may be used in some cases. Also, studies have shown that if you are not infected with HIV, … are approved and may be used in some cases. Also, studies have shown that if you are not infected with HIV, …
Health topics
… disease. Before ECT, you will get anesthesia to make you sleepy, and you'll get medicines to relax your muscles. Then … effects of the medicines for depression. How Well It Works Studies have shown that ECT is an effective short-term … disease. Before ECT, you will get anesthesia to make you sleepy, and you'll get medicines to relax your muscles. Then …
Health topics
… are night sweats? Night sweats are heavy sweating during sleep. This kind of sweating is different than the occasional sweating people have from sleeping deeply, being in a warm room, or having too many … making too much thyroid hormone. Anxiety. Too much alcohol. Sleep apnea . Hormone changes related to menopause. …
Health topics
… can also be affected by the birth process or by the baby's sleep position. Flat head syndrome has become more common since doctors began advising that babies sleep on their back to lower the risk of sudden infant death … so that you don't raise your baby's risk of SIDS. Don't use sleep positioners. Until your baby's first birthday, always …
Health topics
… The laparoscopic approach is used most often. You will be asleep during the surgery. The doctor will separate the upper … The laparoscopic approach is used most often. You will be asleep during the surgery. The doctor will separate the upper …