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Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview If your doctor wants you to be kept away, or isolated, from … have an infection that can be spread to others or because your condition makes you more easily infected by others. How … the flu, or other illnesses won't be allowed. The door to your room may need to stay closed at all times. You may need …
Health topics
… Overview Collecting breast milk is a way of giving your baby breast milk in a bottle. If you collect milk, you … Why store breast milk? Storing breast milk lets you feed your baby later or allows someone else to do it. This is … or will be gone at feeding time. It's also a way to give your baby breast milk if he or she can't breastfeed. How …
Health topics
… identity, and self-esteem are important concepts in your child's emotional and social development at this age. … Often, the more you try to hold on to a childhood image of your children, the more independent they'll try to be. … like you're being rejected. But they're a normal part of your child's social and emotional development. Remember: …
Health topics
… that smoking is not good for their health. But smoke from your cigarettes ( second-hand smoke ) also puts people … you reduce all of these risks for health problems in your family. You also increase the chance that your children will not smoke or will quit if they already …
Health topics
… Information Overview When a doctor asks questions about your child's eating and activity habits, the information … weight. Nutrition history You may be asked: To describe your family's meals and snacks during a typical day. What your child eats at school. Who is responsible for meals. Is …
Health topics
… Diagnose a person who has symptoms of heart disease. Assess your risk of heart attack . Find damaged heart tissue after … imaging scan that exposes you to radiation. For this test, your doctor injects a tiny amount of radioactive tracers through a vein in your arm. After the radioactive tracer is injected, a camera …
Health topics
… When the person does have an infection that can be spread, your risk level if you are accidentally stuck by the needle … with soap and water. Use water to flush splashed blood from your nose, mouth, or skin. Wash your eyes. Use a steady stream of clean water, a saltwater …
Health topics
… some non-prescription acne treatments. When you apply it to your skin, it dries up whiteheads, blackheads, and pimples. It also causes the top layer of your skin to peel. Products that contain salicylic acid may … redness of the skin. Use them less often if you notice that your skin becomes very red or very dry. You'll find …
Health topics
… willing to invest in it. Financial limits Think about: What your health plan will pay for. Be aware of all exclusions in your policy. How much money you can afford to spend on … Before you start treatment, plan how long you can see yourself trying to conceive with medical help. Talk to your
Health topics
… delivery may delay the start of breastfeeding . You may be sleepy from medicine or in pain from the surgery. Try breastfeeding your baby as soon as you are able. Ask whether your baby can … delivery may delay the start of breastfeeding . You may be sleepy from medicine or in pain from the surgery. Try …