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3985 results found
Health topics
… someone to pick you up at the doctor's office or clinic. Your pupils will be widened (dilated) for the surgery. And … several hours. Wear sunglasses to keep bright light out of your eyes while they are dilated. Your vision may be blurry. And your eye may hurt a little …
Health topics
… do not recommend using them more than once. Talk with your doctor before reusing these items. Some people who have … without letting the needle touch either the flat surface or your fingers. Only the inside of the cover should touch the … needle. Do not hold the syringe straight up; you may stick yourself. Do not clean the needle or lancet with alcohol. …
Health topics
… Treatments include counselling and medicine. Talk with your doctor about what treatment plan would be most helpful for your child. A child with DMDD can try different types of … to respond to angry outbursts. Medicines for DMDD may help your child's symptoms. Talk to your doctor about the …
Health topics
… shapes, or purchase sheets of material that you cut to fit your needs. Moleskin is a soft fabric with a thin layer of … you have a doughnut-shaped pad. Place the sticky backing on your skin so that the callus or corn is in the doughnut … rubbing together. Toe caps and toe sleeves , which fit over your toe and protect the sides and tips of the toe. If you …
Health topics
… doesn't have a licensed pharmacist available to answer your questions. The website isn't "secure." This means that any information you type in—your address, your credit card number—could be read and used by anyone who …
Health topics
… their interactions become more personal and engaging. Your baby is unique and will exhibit his or her own … and their baby during this stage. Around 2 months of age, your baby will have a "social" smile. It's a smile made with … loved ones. They start to recognize others as strangers. Your baby may show fear and uneasiness around people he or …
Health topics
… causes it? The causes of epididymitis vary depending on your age and behaviour. In children it is most commonly … caused by epididymitis. You may also want to elevate your scrotum by rolling up a hand towel and placing it under your scrotum. If epididymitis was caused by a sexually …
Health topics
… surgery might help reduce or get rid of symptoms related to your low back problem. Although research shows that surgery … is not meant for people in emergency situations. Talk to your doctor right away if you have numbness, weakness, or … symptoms such as leg pain, numbness, or weakness, talk to your doctor about what steps you can take. If surgery is …
Health topics
… any sensation in the portion of the limb that was removed (your "phantom" limb) that the limb might have experienced … treatments. You may try a range of medicines to help with your pain. This may include over-the-counter medicines like … Mirror therapy. This involves using a mirror to reflect your unaffected limb so that you "see" painless movement in …
Health topics
… the surgeon to better see the herniated disc . You may be asleep or have medicine to relax you during surgery. And the … numbed if you're awake. It's often numbed even if you are asleep. You might go home the same day you have surgery. Or … and their daily routine soon after surgery. In some cases, your doctor may suggest a rehabilitation program. This may …