3987 results found
Health topics
… not include all the information you will need to care for your family member. Your doctor may have other suggestions to add to your plan. … Structure the environment to improve memory. Use calendars, clocks, and bulletin boards with pictures of the season, …
Health topics
… Sjögren's: Caring for Yourself at Home Actionset Overview Sjögren's syndrome (say "SHOH-grins") causes your body's defence, or immune, system to attack the glands …
Health topics
… may build up in the bloodstream and cause problems in your brain called encephalopathy. High ammonia levels are a … may include: Irritability. Depression . Changes in sleep patterns. Twitching of muscles or jerking movements of … the flow of blood or fluid through other areas of the body) that help lower portal hypertension and prevent …
Health topics
… longer amounts of time. Reduce shortness of breath. Upper body exercises increase strength in arm and shoulder … periods of time. Aerobic exercise gets more oxygen to your muscles. This allows them to work longer. Exercises for … while doing any of the exercises, rest in a position where your shoulders are supported, such as in a chair, and wait …
Health topics
… Information Overview What kinds of development occur in your baby's first month? Amazing changes are happening in … such as hepatitis B. What to Expect Although your newborn sleeps a lot, powerful changes are occurring in the five … Problems Abusive Head Trauma Birthmarks Body Temperature Bottle-Feeding Breastfeeding Circumcision …
Health topics
… Overview Why is it important to support your partner during pregnancy? Pregnancy is usually a time … pregnancy can change a woman's energy level and need for sleep. Some women may want less sex. They may be tired and … get bigger. They may feel self-conscious about how their body is changing. But other women may want more sex at …
Health topics
… Objects in the Ear On this page: Overview Check Your Symptoms Self-Care Preparing For Your Appointment … The medical assessment of symptoms is based on the body parts you have. If you are transgender or non-binary, … that you can't stand it for more than a few hours, can't sleep, and can't do anything else except focus on the pain. …
Health topics
… page: Health Tools Cause What Increases Your Risk Prevention Symptoms What Happens When to Call a … in your blood. Glucose is a type of sugar produced in your body when carbohydrates and other foods are digested. It … out (lost consciousness), or if you suddenly become very sleepy or confused. (You may have very low blood sugar, …
Health topics
… and can harm organs, muscles, and bones. How does it affect your body? Normal red blood cells move easily through blood … Do not use a heating pad when you are in bed. You may fall asleep and burn yourself. Learn pain-management skills. These …
Health topics
… in much the same way as they affect the mother. The baby's body gets used to the drug. After birth, when the drug … Be cranky and jittery. Cry a lot. Have trouble feeding and sleeping. Have stomach problems like vomiting and diarrhea. This can be stressful for you and your baby. But most babies recover after the body has rid …