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Health topics
… page: Health Tools Cause What Increases Your Risk Prevention Symptoms What Happens When to Call a … is osteoporosis? Osteoporosis is a disease that affects your bones. It means that you have bones that are thin and … person who has gone through menopause. After menopause, the body makes less estrogen. This hormone protects the body
Health topics
… page: Health Tools Cause What Increases Your Risk Prevention Symptoms What Happens When to Call a … born. What causes it? Insulin is a hormone that helps your body use and store sugar. During pregnancy, the placenta … out (lost consciousness), or if you suddenly become very sleepy or confused. (You may have very low blood sugar, …
Health topics
… All have the same blood type. Probably will have the same body type and the same colour skin, hair, and eyes. But they … twins tend to run in families. This means that if anyone in your family has had fraternal twins, you're more likely to … stay organized and efficient. Rest whenever you can. Try to sleep when your babies are sleeping, rather than using that …
Health topics
… a disease that causes you to feel so ill that you can't do your normal activities. Sleeping problems occur along with extreme fatigue that … abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, or constipation. Low body temperature, cold hands and feet, sweating, or trouble …
Health topics
… Blood and Lymph System Learning Center Learn about your blood and lymphatic health Your blood and lymphatic system work together to keep your body healthy. Maybe you've had enlarged lymph nodes, …
Health topics
… On this page: Health Tools What Increases Your Risk Prevention What Happens When to Call a Doctor … cholesterol means that you have too much cholesterol in your blood. Cholesterol is a type of fat. It's needed for many body functions, such as making new cells. It's made by your
Health topics
… page: Health Tools Cause What Increases Your Risk Prevention Symptoms When to Call a Doctor … or blockage of arteries that causes poor blood flow to your arms and legs. PAD is most common in the legs. The most … PAD, you're likely to have plaque in other arteries in your body. This raises your risk of a heart attack and stroke. …
Health topics
… signs of a manic episode. Watch for signs like needing less sleep and feeling happier or grouchier than usual. Keeping track of your moods in a daily journal or on a calendar. Sticking … your normal sleep patterns can alter the chemicals in your body. And this can trigger mood changes or make your
Health topics
… page: Health Tools Cause What Increases Your Risk Prevention Symptoms What Happens When to Call a … disc? The bones (vertebrae) that form the spine in your back are cushioned by small, spongy discs. When these … some things you can try that may help. Stay at a healthy body weight. This may reduce the load on your lower back. …
Health topics
… Sexual Abuse or Assault (Rape) On this page: Overview Check Your Symptoms Self-Care Preparing For Your Appointment Check Your Symptoms … sexual abuse include forcing a person to: Look at a naked body or naked genital area. Watch, look at, or be a part of …