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3985 results found
Health topics
… Heart and Circulation Learning Center Learn about your heart and blood circulation It's not always easy to tell if you're having problems with blood vessels in your heart and your body. You can't feel plaque building up in your arteries. …
Health topics
… a say in this decision, or you may simply want to follow your doctor's recommendation. Either way, this information … patterns that causes either weight gain or weight loss Sleeping too much or not enough Feeling restless and unable … of desire, erection problems). Headaches. Trouble falling asleep, or waking a lot during the night. Weight gain. …
Health topics
… Ringing in the Ears (Tinnitus) On this page: Overview Check Your Symptoms Self-Care Preparing For Your Appointment … or roaring, that doesn't come from your surroundings. (So nobody else can hear it.) The sound may keep time with your … Play music or white noise when you are trying to fall asleep or anytime you find yourself in a quiet place. Try …
Health topics
… Cardiac devices have very advanced features. Your doctor can program your device to work in different … to your doctor. This can be done while you are sleeping. Your information is stored securely online so that … to your doctor. This can be done while you are sleeping. Your information is stored securely online so that …
Health topics
… Domestic Abuse On this page: Overview Check Your Symptoms Self-Care Preparing For Your Appointment Check Your Symptoms … The medical assessment of symptoms is based on the body parts you have. If you are transgender or non-binary, …
Health topics
… are night sweats? Night sweats are heavy sweating during sleep. This kind of sweating is different than the … too many blankets. Night sweats are often so heavy that your clothing and sheets are soaked to the point that you … can be caused by many things. Possible causes include: Your body making too much thyroid hormone. Anxiety. Too much …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview The body responds to stress with muscle tension, which can cause … Progressive muscle relaxation often helps people get to sleep. Procedure You can use a recording to help you go … them from memory. Choose a place where you can lie down on your back and stretch out comfortably, such as a carpeted …
Health topics
… but a little behind in another. At routine checkups, your child's doctor will check for milestones. This is to … and Development: Helping Your Child Build Self-Esteem Sleep: Helping Your Children—and Yourself—Sleep Well Stress … with others, and they might form false ideas about their body image. The influence of media can add to a teen's poor …
Health topics
… the signs can be hard to recognize. Signs that may mean your child is in pain include: Changes in usual behaviour. … a wrinkled forehead, closed eyes, or an angry appearance. Sleep changes, such as waking often or sleeping more or less … in severe pain may take short naps because they are tired. Body movements, such as making fists, guarding a part of the …
Health topics
… Age 11 and Younger On this page: Overview Check Your Symptoms Self-Care Preparing For Your Appointment … The medical assessment of symptoms is based on the body parts you have. If you are transgender or non-binary, … flexed onto their belly. Then rotate your child's legs in a clockwise direction. Try a bath or suppositories to relieve …