3985 results found
Health topics
… a walking aid can help you be more safe and independent in your daily activities. Almost everyone has used a walking … But there are some simple principles that will make using your walking aid easier and safer. General safety when using … form a triangle. Hold the crutches close enough to your body so you can push straight down on them, but leave room …
Health topics
… Overview Health Tools Heart tests can help your doctor find out if you are at risk for a heart problem, … many heart tests. Most are non-invasive, which means that your doctor does not insert a device into your body for the test. Many of the tests provide still or moving …
Health topics
… that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body. When the catheter is in the bladder, a small balloon … of the instructions the doctor has given. And always wash your hands before and after you're done. Here are some other … valve and put the drain spout back into its sleeve. Remove your gloves, and throw them away. Wash your hands with soap …
Health topics
… a say in this decision, or you may simply want to follow your doctor's recommendation. Either way, this information will help you understand what your choices are so that you can talk to your doctor about … (metastasize) to the lymph nodes and other parts of the body. When is chemotherapy used to treat early-stage breast …
Health topics
… grain foods, protein foods and healthy fats. Make water your drink of choice. Listen to your body. Eat when you're hungry. Stop when you feel satisfied. …
Health topics
… or the foot. They often occur just as you are falling asleep or waking up. What causes them? The cause of muscle … for a long time, sitting for a long time, or putting your legs in awkward positions while you sleep. Not having … in your blood. Being dehydrated, which means that your body has lost too much fluid. Taking certain medicines, such …
Health topics
… is a big job. Raising more than one baby means even less sleep, more work, and less time for yourself. From time to time, you may feel frustrated that … if you let chores go undone so that you can rest. Try to sleep when your babies are sleeping, rather than using that …
Health topics
… heel pain. The plantar fascia is the ligament that connects your heel bone to your toes. If you strain your plantar … the tightening of the plantar fascia that happens during sleep. Stretching or massaging your plantar fascia before … the tightening of the plantar fascia that happens during sleep. Stretching or massaging your plantar fascia before …
Health topics
… a say in this decision, or you may simply want to follow your doctor's recommendation. Either way, this information … sometimes. Plus, she'd fiddle with it and scratch it in her sleep. We waited a little while to see if it would get … sometimes. Plus, she'd fiddle with it and scratch it in her sleep. We waited a little while to see if it would get …
Health topics
… Menarche On this page: Overview Overview Your first menstrual period is called menarche (say … around age 12. But it may start earlier or later. See your doctor if you have not started having periods by age … menstrual cycle . This cycle is a series of changes your body goes through to prepare for a possible pregnancy. …