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Health topics
… Failure Actionset Overview Triggers are things that make your heart failure symptoms worse. Triggers upset the delicate balance in your body, causing fluid to build up in your lungs and your
Health topics
… is nephrotic syndrome? Nephrotic syndrome is a sign that your kidneys aren't working right. As a result, you have: High levels of protein in your urine. Low levels of protein in your blood. You may … on their own. Others may need medicines that decrease the body's immune system response. These include: …
Health topics
… doesn't mean that you should allow or encourage it. Remind your teen of your rules. And talk with your teen about choices that have … relationships that don't last long. Adjusting to a changing body. The teen years are a time of lots of physical changes. …
Health topics
… Plan On this page: Overview Overview Knowing how to treat your COPD can help you feel better and give you peace of … and mucus Able to do normal activities Have a good appetite Sleeping well Take daily medicines for COPD. Eat well and … more often Have a fever Have less energy than usual Not sleeping well Chest feels tight Feeling less hungry than …
Health topics
… a say in this decision, or you may simply want to follow your doctor's recommendation. Either way, this information will help you understand what your choices are so that you can talk to your doctor about … Kidney stones may stay in the kidney or travel out of the body through the urinary tract . When moving through the …
Health topics
… speed Reduced anxiety and risk of depression Improved sleep Lower risk of falls and fall-related injuries Improved … when it comes to physical activity, sedentary behaviour and sleep. A balance of these movement behaviours is needed for … vigorous-intensity physical activity and achieve adequate sleep. Visit the Guidelines to learn how much physical …
Health topics
… of stem uses a combination of cement and porous coating.  Your doctor may use regional anesthesia . This means you … You'll have medicine that makes you unaware and lightly asleep. Or a doctor may use general anesthesia. This means … As soon as possible, you will be taught how to move your body without hurting your hip. Until your hip is fully …
Health topics
… without treatment, and then return. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor can often recognize psoriasis by looking at your skin, scalp, and nails. Special tests usually aren't … during sudden flare-ups or when the plaques are in body folds, such as under the breasts or buttocks. …
Health topics
… like a large bandage. The outer part of the patch sticks to your skin, while the inner part presses against your skin … for either 16 or 24 hours. The 24-hour patch may cause sleep problems, such as trouble sleeping or unusually vivid dreams. Removing the patch a few …
Health topics
… Breast/chest milk provides all of the nutrition that your baby needs. Most healthcare providers recommend that you exclusively breastfeed or chestfeed your baby for the first 6 months. Find information and … Breastfeeding and your milk supply Breast engorgement Sleep, rest and breastfeeding Oxytocin Experiencing let-down …