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… page: Overview Overview Many women have problems with nausea and sometimes vomiting ( morning … by an infection, ectopic pregnancy , miscarriage , or some other serious problem. If you have severe, ongoing nausea … if vomiting develops. Even mild dehydration can affect other problems, such as constipation or heartburn, that may …
Health topics
… hungry. If the person has had a stroke or has swallowing problems, dental problems, or problems with thinking or … can be a great way to spend time together. Eat with each other if you can. You may want to play soft music or have … It could make them feel uncomfortable. Here are some other things to remember: Be sure the person is sitting up. …
Health topics
… you (or your child with diabetes) is having low blood sugar problems, the diabetes medicine dose may need to be adjusted … and amount of glucose or sucrose tablets or solution or other quick-sugar food that was taken: Was glucagon given? … and amount of glucose or sucrose tablets or solution or other quick-sugar food that was taken: Was glucagon given? …
Health topics
… it can cause wear and tear or pain if it presses or rubs on other bones or soft tissues such as ligaments, tendons, or … have any symptoms. But if the bone spurs are pressing on other bones or tissues or are causing a muscle or tendon to … bone spur is usually visible on an X-ray. If you're having problems related to bone spurs, such as arthritis, your …
Health topics
… the small intestine, scar tissue is most often the cause. Other causes include hernias and Crohn's disease , which can … if one part of the intestine folds like a telescope into another part. This is called intussusception. In the large … will ask you questions about your symptoms, other digestive problems you've had, and any surgeries or procedures you've …
Health topics
… heart failure is actually left-sided heart failure. But other conditions, such as certain lung diseases, can cause … back up farther into the extremities, the liver, and the other organs. Chronic lung disease. Chronic lung disease … disease. Congenital heart disease includes structural heart problems that have been present since birth. Certain types …
Health topics
… It doesn't help with slow movement (bradykinesia), speech problems, or trouble with walking. Deep brain stimulation is … can improve tremor. There is no evidence that it works for other symptoms of Parkinson's disease. footnote 1 Risks … can improve tremor. There is no evidence that it works for other symptoms of Parkinson's disease. footnote 1 Risks …
Health topics
… person with advanced Parkinson's disease has: Severe motor problems. These include sudden, jerky movements and on-off … may reduce tremor, muscle stiffness, slow movement, and other motor symptoms. It may also improve balance. Risks … may reduce tremor, muscle stiffness, slow movement, and other motor symptoms. It may also improve balance. Risks …
Health topics
… join across loops of the intestines and cause serious problems. Swallowing a magnet may cause symptoms similar to other abdominal problems, such as feeling sick to the … problems. Swallowing a magnet may cause symptoms similar to other abdominal problems, such as feeling sick to the …
Health topics
… If the stool is soft and the child doesn't seem to have other problems, this isn't a concern. Most children will be … Passing the stool relieves the pressure and pain until another mass of stool collects. Then the cycle is repeated. …