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3320 results found
Health topics
… Exposure to cold temperatures, especially to cold water. Other medical conditions, such as blood flow problems (peripheral arterial disease), kidney disease, … while you sleep. Not having enough potassium, calcium, and other minerals in your blood. Being dehydrated, which means …
Health topics
… supplements are sometimes used to treat jet lag or sleep problems (insomnia). Scientists are also looking at other uses, such as whether it might be used to: Treat … sleep problems (insomnia). Scientists are also looking at other uses, such as whether it might be used to: Treat …
Health topics
… include: Staying away from or not being interested in other people. Forgetting things. Having problems concentrating. Daydreaming. Not paying attention to … if you have signs of a relapse. You will need the help of others to get through a relapse. An action plan also lists …
Health topics
… Gluten is a type of protein found in wheat, rye, and other grains. This problem starts when the body's immune … The immune system is supposed to fight off viruses and other invaders, but sometimes it turns on the person's own … This makes it hard for the body to absorb vitamins and other nutrients. You cannot prevent celiac disease. But you …
Health topics
… the liver from working as it should. That can cause problems with blood clotting, which can lead to bleeding and … entering the bloodstream. Removing bilirubin, ammonia, and other toxins from the blood. Bilirubin is a by-product of … also stores some nutrients, such as vitamin A, iron, and other minerals. Producing cholesterol, substances that help …
Health topics
… in the brain that aren't normal. Seizures may cause problems with muscle control, movement, speech, vision, or … crazy, violent, or dangerous. You can't catch epilepsy from other people (like you can catch a cold), and they can't … seizures happen because of an injury, an illness, or another problem. In these cases, the seizures stop when that …
Health topics
… low thyroid levels, you may feel tired, weak, or depressed. Other symptoms include dry skin, brittle nails, not being able to stand the cold, constipation, memory problems, and heavy or irregular menstrual periods. Symptoms … deficiency is the number one cause of low thyroid levels. Other common causes include: Thyroid surgery. Radioactive …
Health topics
… be supervised around animals. Dog bites occur more than any other animal bite. They happen most often in the summer … person. Most injuries result from the dog being teased or bothered while eating or sleeping. Boys are bitten about … screws, catheters, and medicine pumps. Yes Diabetes, immune problems, peripheral arterial disease, or surgical hardware …
Health topics
… who are treated recover from the disease without long-term problems. Your doctor will watch your child for heart … that lasts at least 5 days. Your child has a few of the other five symptoms of Kawasaki disease. Your child may also … that lasts at least 5 days. Your child has a few of the other five symptoms of Kawasaki disease. Your child may also …
Health topics
… the eyelids and lashes. It may be caused by bacteria or by other skin conditions such as dandruff, skin allergies, or … need to see a doctor for treatment. Eye Problems, Non-Injury Eyelid Problems Pink Eye … the eyelids and lashes. It may be caused by bacteria or by other skin conditions such as dandruff, skin allergies, or …