3320 results found
Health topics
… This more advanced thinking brings about comparisons to others, self-examination, and changing self-concept and … it requires abstract thinking, being able to imagine other perspectives or alternatives, and being able to … This more advanced thinking brings about comparisons to others, self-examination, and changing self-concept and …
Health topics
… Why It Is Done The type of orthopedic surgery done to treat problems from cerebral palsy depends on which muscle groups … joints. A spinal deformity that is not improving with other treatment. A deformity that makes some caregiving … may be temporary. As a person grows, the same muscles or other muscles may become tight and cause contractures. …
Health topics
… tightness in the legs. What To Expect After surgery, physiotherapy is needed. Also, orthopedic surgery and casts or … grow back together. Sometimes not all nerves are cut, and other surgeries may be needed to cut those that remain. Why … joints ( contractures ), little strength in their limbs, or problems with balance. How Well It Works Some children have …
Health topics
… get worse are the most common symptoms of epididymitis. Other symptoms may include fever and chills, frequent or … urinary tract infection . You may also have a blood test or other tests. An ultrasound may be done to look for the cause of swelling. Causes may include problems like torsion of the testicle , an emergency …
Health topics
… you having trouble seeing? This means you are having new problems reading ordinary print or seeing things at a … that suppress the immune system like steroids or chemotherapy, or natural health products can cause symptoms or … to the swab or tissue. Do not use tweezers, toothpicks, or other hard items to remove an object. Certain health …
Health topics
… (flu). As long as you have the virus, you can spread it to others. What causes it? The condition is caused by the … medical care decisions that are important to many health problems. Hepatitis B: Should I Be Tested? Hepatitis B: … the virus can be spread: Through infected blood, semen, and other body fluids during sexual contact. When people share …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview Some other conditions can cause symptoms that look like … with depression, a doctor may need to rule out these other conditions. They include: Bipolar disorder . This … (ADHD). Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Medical problems such as a low thyroid level and anemia. A child may …
Health topics
… are a group of rare diseases that can be passed down from mothers to their children. The diseases happen when … MERRF syndrome. It affects the nervous system, muscles, and other areas of the body. MELAS syndrome. It affects many … muscle cells, the symptoms can include: Weakness. Cramps. Problems with movement. Ear or eye cells In the cells of the …
Health topics
… to middle school or junior high in a matter of weeks. But others may take longer to adjust. They may feel sick, refuse … help your child deal with this adjustment and anticipate other situations that may come up during the school year. … child continually complains about school, find out what the problems are and work together to develop solutions. …
Health topics
… always cause symptoms. But they are a common cause of spine problems that can range from mild to severe. What causes it? … with ice or heat and with over-the-counter medicines. Physiotherapy and daily exercises can be helpful. If these treatments aren't helping you enough, you may need other treatments. This might be more likely to happen if you …