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Health topics
… disease is a rare bleeding disorder that might be caused by other medical problems or medicines. It prevents blood from clotting … disease is a rare bleeding disorder that might be caused by other medical problems or medicines. It prevents blood from …
Health topics
… discomfort. But it is important to be aware that health problems or injuries can cause a baby to cry excessively. … A broken collarbone (fractured clavicle) An eyelash or other object in the eye. Look for one eye that is red and tearing more than the other eye. An eyelash in the eye may scratch the clear …
Health topics
… Surgery Overview Mastectomy is removal of the breast. Other nearby tissue may also be removed if it appears that … the cancer might have spread differ from one person to another, the amount of other tissue removed during surgery … and breast-conserving surgery have risks. Possible problems from breast surgery include: Breast pain or …
Health topics
… things that are negative. For example, you talk about each other's problems a lot. Or you give up what you want so you can make … ending the friendship because you don't want to hurt the other person. This makes sense. You are close to them, and …
Health topics
… specific type of problem being treated. It also depends on other fertility factors such as age. You must feel … treatment success rates? Also ask about what types of problems the clinic typically treats. … specific type of problem being treated. It also depends on other fertility factors such as age. You must feel …
Health topics
… likely in children, teens, or older adults. People who have other mood disorders, such as depression. What causes it? … clock," which controls your sleep-wake pattern and other circadian rhythms . Lack of light may also cause problems with serotonin, a brain chemical that affects mood. …
Health topics
… define them as sudden, unplanned displays of anger or other emotions. During a tantrum, children often whine, cry, … may not yet have the skills to express strong emotions in other ways. For example, a temper tantrum may happen when a … or start during the school years may be a sign of learning problems or other issues that the child may need help with. …
Health topics
… of possible changes in this gene, but only a few cause problems. To have this condition, you have to get the … carrier . The good copy of the gene you received from your other parent is enough to tell your body how to properly … stamina and overall health. You may also need medicines and other treatments to help you breathe easier and stay as …
Health topics
… is getter better with home treatment Is the rash on any other parts of the body? Yes Rash on other parts of the body No Rash on other parts of the body … drive you. You are in an area where heavy traffic or other problems may slow you down. Self-Care Home treatment is …
Health topics
… had a known case of one person spreading the illness to another. And people do not get HCPS from farm animals, pets, … past health, and exposure to rodents. You may have other tests, such as chest X-rays, a complete blood count , … and Younger Fever or Chills, Age 12 and Older Respiratory Problems, Age 11 and Younger Respiratory Problems, Age 12 …