3320 results found
Health topics
… prefer the tastes of certain foods, dislike the tastes of other foods, and have a lot of variation in how hungry they … doesn't get too hungry. Do nothing else during the meal other than talking and enjoying each other—no TV or other … or a mental health professional experienced with eating problems, if needed. For more information, see the topics …
Health topics
… with the rest of your face. It may also correct structural problems with the nose that cause chronic congestion and … and bruising around the eyes and nose after rhinoplasty. Other problems that may occur include: Bleeding. Injury or … and bruising around the eyes and nose after rhinoplasty. Other problems that may occur include: Bleeding. Injury or …
Health topics
… need to, and stay at a healthy weight. Don't smoke. Manage other health problems such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and … need to, and stay at a healthy weight. Don't smoke. Manage other health problems such as high blood pressure, high …
Health topics
… with heart failure experience more commonly, there are many other symptoms that heart failure can cause. These symptoms … Brain Mental confusion Inability to think clearly Problems with memory or ability to understand language Brain … is circulating most of the available blood to the brain and other vital organs to compensate for the failing heart's …
Health topics
… , reactive arthritis , psoriatic arthritis , and joint problems linked to inflammatory bowel disease (enteropathic … spondylitis, are more likely to run in families than other forms of rheumatic disease, such as lupus or … in the spine fuse together, causing severe back stiffness. Other areas (such as the hips, chest wall, and heels) may …
Health topics
… weakened immune systems are at the highest risk for serious problems from West Nile. Most people fully recover from West … then biting people. Mosquitoes can also spread the virus to other animals, such as horses. The virus is not known to … your blood again in a couple of weeks. You may also have other tests, such as: A spinal tap ( lumbar puncture ) to …
Health topics
… anxious about what they will say or do in front of other people. This includes public speaking and day-to-day … fear only one or a few types of social situations. For other people, many situations cause stress. This problem … and coffee, may make you more anxious and cause sleep problems. Learn and do relaxation exercises. These may …
Health topics
… is the best thing you can do to reduce your risk of future problems. Medicines and counselling can help you quit for … meal, having emotional stress, or being exposed to cold. Other symptoms of angina include shortness of breath, … lifestyle changes include diet, exercise, weight loss, and other changes like quitting tobacco use. Your cardiac rehab …
Health topics
… are first born because they received hormones from their mother. Preteen and teen boys may develop gynecomastia from … and medicines used to treat high blood pressure or heart problems. Taking steroids for bodybuilding can also cause … cancer include ultrasound, mammogram, and a breast biopsy. Other lab tests, such as a blood test, may be done to check …
Health topics
… defects since birth (congenital heart defects). Heart valve problems after a heart transplant. Your doctor can tell you … have any medical, dental, or surgical procedures, tell all other health professionals who may treat you that you are at … survive certain drugs and then exchange this ability with other types of bacteria. When resistance to a particular …