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3320 results found
Health topics
… and nurses who specialize in stroke rehab, as well as other professionals. Each team member will help you in … of your rehab program. The doctor may also work on special problems, such as muscle cramps and spasms. Rehab nurses. … bed to a wheelchair. Bathe. Control bowels or bladder. Physiotherapist. A stroke often takes away a person's ability to …
Health topics
… does in the body, but most of the time it doesn't cause problems. Appendicitis is most common in people ages 10 to … does burst, surgery may be harder to do. You may also need other treatment. Abdominal Pain, Age 11 … does burst, surgery may be harder to do. You may also need other treatment. Abdominal Pain, Age 11 …
Health topics
… best to start there if you have never done yoga before. The other pose—the reclining bound angle pose—is a little more … spine stretch and relaxation. Caution: If you have knee problems, don't do this pose. Or you can talk to a certified … With the cat cow pose , you move from one position to another using your breath to tell you when to switch …
Health topics
… limp. What causes it? Spondylolisthesis may be caused by problems with the small joints in your back. (The problems … since birth (congenital). A joint damaged by an accident or other trauma. A vertebra with a stress fracture caused from … (such as Tylenol) for pain. Doctors often suggest physiotherapy to build up stomach and back muscles ( core …
Health topics
… children has VUR, you may want to ask your doctor if your other children need to be checked. How is vesicoureteral … the option of carefully watching your child for signs of another UTI and only using antibiotics when your child gets a … Preparation for Medical Tests Toilet Training Urinary Problems and Injuries, Age 11 and Younger Urinary Tract …
Health topics
… and emotional struggles. They also need interaction with other children and adults to help them learn self-control … behaviour. Teach children to understand the feelings of others (empathy). For example, asking "How do you think your … a misbehaving child is effective in curbing minor behaviour problems, such as whining or complaining. This technique …
Health topics
… records (EMRs) are electronic files that a doctor or other provider uses instead of paper files stored on … system. They can't usually be sent to or shared with other providers outside of that system, such as a lab or … health records (EHRs) are built to be shared with other health care providers who all use the same system. So …
Health topics
… appropriately. This type of training can reduce behaviour problems and improve adaptation skills. Both behavioural … and child care facilities—watching the behaviour of other normally developing children can provide examples for autistic children to follow. But other children are overstimulated in a regular classroom and …
Health topics
… and rust. If the equipment is in a public park, report any problems to the park's staff. Use swings that are made from … swing. Help your child learn to stay away from swings while others are using them. Make sure children go single-file up … your child exit the landing of the slide quickly, so that other children coming down the slide don't fall on your …
Health topics
… disabilities are less likely to be physically active than other children. An inactive lifestyle for these children can lead to other problems, including: Reduced fitness. Bone loss. Poor …