3320 results found
Health topics
… replaces a failing organ with a healthy organ from another person. Organs most often transplanted are: Kidney . … chances will depend on your health, the donor organ, and other things. footnote 1 Heart: About 8 out of 10 people … will depend on the type of transplant you had, other health problems you have, and how your body reacts to the new …
Health topics
… to delay labour. This is sometimes done so that the other medicines you were given have time to work. Or it may … to delay labour. This is sometimes done so that the other medicines you were given have time to work. Or it may …
Health topics
… doctor may suggest that you eat more calories each day than otherwise recommended for a person of your height and … breast milk to your baby. It may cause fussiness and sleep problems. Talk to your doctor about how much caffeine is … doctor before taking any vitamins, minerals, and herbal or other dietary supplements. Avoiding …
Health topics
… is because many body systems are involved in PCOS ovulation problems. Often other treatment can restore balance to the body's metabolism … does not start ovulation, it may be combined with another medicine, such as metformin. Combining the two …
Health topics
… tissues inside your knee. This can help the doctor rule out other possible causes of your symptoms. How is … such as ibuprofen, can decrease swelling and pain. A physiotherapist can teach you exercises to stretch and strengthen … your doctor may choose surgery. Knee Problems and Injuries Patellar Tracking Disorder …
Health topics
… of illness, injury, developmental delays, or psychological problems, need assistance in learning skills to help them … keeping a schedule. Skills important in driving a car or other motor vehicle. Occupational therapy may be involved in … keeping a schedule. Skills important in driving a car or other motor vehicle. Occupational therapy may be involved in …
Health topics
… foods you eat, the stress you feel, the weather, and other things—can help you find a pattern to your headaches. … treatment if you have depression and anxiety. These health problems can cause headaches. Current as of: August … foods you eat, the stress you feel, the weather, and other things—can help you find a pattern to your headaches. …
Health topics
… and MRI scans. Treatment, such as some surgeries and chemotherapy. Rehabilitation, such as drug or alcohol rehab and physiotherapy. What are the benefits of outpatient services? … emergency during your procedure, test, or surgery—such as problems with anesthesia during surgery or your newborn …
Health topics
… infection. Be sure to tell your doctor about any health problems you have or medicines you take. The IUD can also be … your vagina while gently pressing on your belly with the other hand. This lets your doctor check the size and … an ultrasound will show if the IUD is still in place. Use another form of birth control until your doctor makes sure …
Health topics
… are different symptoms, and they may point to different problems. Vertigo is the feeling that you are spinning or … Moving your head to the same position again may trigger another episode of vertigo. BPPV often goes away without … position until it stops. Turn your head all the way to the other side without lifting it. Your chin should be raised …