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Health topics
… disabling symptoms despite careful attention to home and other non-surgical treatment. You have had symptoms for at … 2 Risks Risks of plantar fascia release include: Nerve problems, including nerve entrapment or tarsal tunnel … disabling symptoms despite careful attention to home and other non-surgical treatment. You have had symptoms for at …
Health topics
… a pediatric surgeon or a specialist who treats urinary problems in children (pediatric urologist) does the surgery. … reach the testicle and move it to the scrotum. Sometimes another type of surgery called laparoscopy is used to move … should avoid games, sports, rough play, bike riding, and other activities where there is a risk of an injury to the …
Health topics
… Soaking in warm water may help ease the stress of labour. Other techniques that don't use medicine to control pain … history. Let them know if you or a family member has had problems with anesthesia in the past. You can also talk to … Soaking in warm water may help ease the stress of labour. Other techniques that don't use medicine to control pain …
Health topics
… for a long time, such as when you wash dishes or do other tasks. Switch feet every few minutes. Keep your lower … curve (swayback) or too little curve (flat back) can cause problems. The right amount of curve is called the neutral … for a long time, such as when you wash dishes or do other tasks. Switch feet every few minutes. Keep your lower …
Health topics
… vessels in the eye get weak. This can lead to blood and other liquid leaking into the retina from the blood vessels. … sugar levels within your target range can help keep eye problems from getting worse. Many people with retinopathy … vessels in the eye get weak. This can lead to blood and other liquid leaking into the retina from the blood vessels. …
Health topics
… it. Any excess skin will be removed. The doctor may make another incision under your chin to reposition the skin on … depend on your age, the number of wrinkles you have, and other factors. The incisions will be closed and will leave … surgery depends heavily on the skill of your surgeon. Risks Problems that may be caused by having a face-lift include: …
Health topics
… what you hoped for. Risks Filler injection can lead to problems. Possible complications include: Infection. Call … any blood-thinning medicine. This includes aspirin, any other type of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) , … any blood-thinning medicine. This includes aspirin, any other type of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) , …
Health topics
… like to try. Start a journal. Writing about things that bother you may help you deal with your feelings. Let your … on taking good care of yourself. Exercise. Walking and other activities, such as yoga, tai chi, or qi gong, can … like to try. Start a journal. Writing about things that bother you may help you deal with your feelings. Let your …
Health topics
… to the breast. This may decrease the amount of milk a mother makes. If you've had a breast augmentation, start …
Health topics
… extra kilograms are not bad for your health unless you have other medical problems. If you are thinking about losing weight, ask your … and follow the product's recommendations about what other food you should eat. You buy prepared meals that are …