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1843 results found
Health topics
… Failure to end the pregnancy (when it's used for abortion). Injury to the cervix. A hole in the wall of the uterus … Failure to end the pregnancy (when it's used for abortion). Injury to the cervix. A hole in the wall of the uterus …
Health topics
… to end the pregnancy. Tissue remaining in the uterus. Injury to the cervix. Rupture of the uterus if a uterine … to end the pregnancy. Tissue remaining in the uterus. Injury to the cervix. Rupture of the uterus if a uterine …
Health topics
… active, your child is less likely to be active.) Fear of injury. Think about the barriers that are keeping your child … active, your child is less likely to be active.) Fear of injury. Think about the barriers that are keeping your child …
Health topics
… infection during pregnancy, low birth weight, an eye injury, and some medicines. What are the signs of cataracts … infection during pregnancy, low birth weight, an eye injury, and some medicines. What are the signs of cataracts …
Health topics
… alcohol. Some of these drugs can cause you to have trouble breathing, to pass out, or to be conscious but unable to … (STIs), including HIV . Increase the risk of overdose , injury, and death. Cause you to do things you wouldn't … (STIs), including HIV . Increase the risk of overdose , injury, and death. Cause you to do things you wouldn't …
Health topics
… There are also risks from general anesthesia , such as breathing problems. Why might your doctor recommend tennis … there are large tears in the tendon from a sudden (acute) injury or if there is other severe damage to the elbow. Your … concerns, and next steps. Your Summary Here's a record of your answers. You can use it to talk with your …
Health topics
… as: Broken bones (fractures) that might occur with a minor injury, especially in the hip, spine, and wrist. Back pain. … Have been treated for a fracture caused by a minor injury, such as a simple fall, and want to discuss your risk … as: Broken bones (fractures) that might occur with a minor injury, especially in the hip, spine, and wrist. Back pain. …
Health topics
… Breath-holding spells Breath-holding spells: Keeping a record Preventing breath-holding spells in children … Caring …
Health topics
… to get the object out. If you are worried about the baby's breathing, call 9-1-1 . WARNING: Do not begin the choking … throat to feel for it. Keep doing CPR until the baby is breathing on their own or until help arrives. Related … to get the object out. If you are worried about the baby's breathing, call 9-1-1. WARNING: Do not begin the choking …
Health topics
… ( seizure ). Signs of moderate to severe difficulty breathing . A rectal temperature over 40 °C (104 °F) after … than a few seconds, and moderate to severe difficulty breathing. Apply ice packs  to the neck, groin, back, and armpits. If a child has stopped breathing, begin rescue breathing . Do not give aspirin or …