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1843 results found
Health topics
… COPD? COPD is almost always caused by smoking. Over time, breathing tobacco smoke irritates the airways and destroys … in the lungs. Other things that may put you at risk include breathing chemical fumes, dust, or air pollution over a long … of stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A clinical practice guideline update from the American College of …
Health topics
… some things that may help cause it include: Swelling of or injury to the nerves of the vulva. Spasms or weakness of the … activities, and medicines that affect pain. Having a record of pain can help you and your doctor find the best ways … of living with vulvodynia. Practice relaxation and breathing exercises. Meditation and guided imagery are two …
Health topics
… occurs with other symptoms, such as chills, shaking, breathing problems, or confusion, then this may be a sign of … make them worse. Recent health events , such as surgery or injury. These kinds of events can cause symptoms afterwards … old, here are the ranges for high, moderate, and mild according to how you took the temperature. Oral (by mouth) …
Health topics
… different to breathe and speak. Most people get used to breathing through the tube in a few days. At first, it will … for your trach helps prevent infections and helps keep you breathing easily. Your doctor will teach you how to take … Sleep Apnea Citations Aurora RN, et al. (2010). Practice parameters for the surgical modifications of the …
Health topics
… area at a time. Guided imagery taught Jerry how to slow his breathing and imagine himself in a peaceful place. Then he … to do progressive muscle relaxation easily. But he had to practice guided imagery a little more before it worked. "It … trees swaying." "I started to really feel more relaxed. My breathing slowed, and my muscles relaxed." Jerry does the …
Health topics
… to have: A long labour and birth. Caesarean birth. An injury to you or your baby during childbirth. A poor supply … . Kaiser LL, Campbell CG (2014). Practice paper: Nutrition and lifestyle for a healthy … to have: A long labour and birth. Caesarean birth. An injury to you or your baby during childbirth. A poor supply …
Health topics
… trouble sleeping because of coughing or having a hard time breathing. Quickly get tired during exercise. Your symptoms … other conditions, such as a viral lung infection or a vocal cord problem . So your doctor may want to do one or more … medicine is a term used for a wide variety of health care practices that may be used along with standard medical …
Health topics
… make them worse. Recent health events , such as surgery or injury. These kinds of events can cause symptoms afterwards … down when you feel yourself getting angry. Count to 10, or practice some other form of mental relaxation. Know what … make them worse. Recent health events , such as surgery or injury. These kinds of events can cause symptoms afterwards …
Health topics
… are arched. Sometimes the person may cry out as the vocal cords contract and air is released from the lungs. The person may turn blue because he or she isn't breathing. This is the tonic phase of the seizure. During … are arched. Sometimes the person may cry out as the vocal cords contract and air is released from the lungs. The …
Health topics
… around the site) or overall body reactions (such as trouble breathing). What To Think About Children younger than 2 … of allergies also. Citations Joint Task Force on Practice Parameters (2011). Allergen immunotherapy: A … around the site) or overall body reactions (such as trouble breathing). What To Think About Children younger than 2 …