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Health topics
… Exercise is one of the best things you can do to help keep your muscles strong and reduce joint pain and stiffness. And … weight. But you want to make sure that you don't hurt your joints when you exercise. Before you get started, ask your doctor or another health professional, such as physical …
Health topics
… may build up in the bloodstream and cause problems in your brain called encephalopathy. High ammonia levels are a … Confusion and disorientation. Coma. What increases your risk? Encephalopathy is most likely to occur in people … and prevent variceal bleeding may actually increase your risk for encephalopathy. Many things can contribute to …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview What do your blood pressure numbers mean? Blood pressure is a measure of the force of blood against the walls of your arteries. Blood pressure readings include two numbers. … number). This is the force of blood on the artery walls as your heart pumps. The second number is the diastolic …
Health topics
… and avoiding movements that hurt might be enough to help your back feel better. As soon as you can, ease back into your normal routine. Lying down or sitting for too long can … lie in positions that are most comfortable and that reduce your pain. Try one of these positions: Lie on your back with …
Health topics
… What causes it? Doctors aren't sure what causes it. But your baby may be more likely to have a cleft palate if you: … of cleft palate. It's important to take good care of yourself before and during your pregnancy so that your baby … family was born with a cleft palate, you may want to think about genetic counselling . It can help you understand your
Health topics
… long as 1 year. When is spitting up a sign of a problem? If your baby starts spitting up after every feeding, there may … stenosis or gastroesophageal reflux disease . If you think your baby is vomiting, contact your doctor. Tips to help your baby with spitting up The …
Health topics
… swollen joints. This makes joints stiff and painful. Your child may have some pain and may walk with a limp. Some … and pain and stiffness have lasted for at least 6 weeks. Your doctor will ask questions about your child's symptoms and past health and do a …
Health topics
… a lifelong illness that will require frequent changes in your medicine schedule and regular follow-up with your … failure. You can help keep track of this by keeping a record of how much exercise you can do and what types of … medicines have side effects. Ask your doctor or pharmacist about the side effects of each medicine you take. Side …
Health topics
… a disc battery: Do not cause (induce) vomiting. Call your doctor immediately to arrange for care. If your doctor is not immediately available, go to a hospital … swallowed a magnet: Do not cause (induce) vomiting. Call your doctor to discuss the problem. Medical treatment may be …
Health topics
… the sensitive mucous membranes lining the nose. If you or your child has a disc battery in the nose, do not use nose … out of the nose, you may be able to remove it with your fingers or blunt-nosed tweezers. Be careful not to push … . If you are not able to remove the disc battery, contact your doctor immediately . If you are not able to contact …