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… virus is a type of virus that is spread by mosquitoes. The infection it causes may be so mild that people don't even … recover from West Nile. But some people who get a severe infection may experience long term physical or mental … West Nile, symptoms can last for months, especially if the infection has spread to your brain. How is it diagnosed? If …
Health topics
… who wear shoes that aren't roomy enough. Fungal nail infection , which occurs when fungi invade a fingernail or … often helps relieve pain, promote healing, and prevent infection. Treatment may involve removing the nail, keeping the area dry to prevent infection, and waiting for a new nail to grow. The infection …
Health topics
… contagious during the primary stage and can easily pass the infection to others. A chancre often appears in the genital … the person still has syphilis. They can still pass the infection to others. Secondary stage During secondary … with congenital syphilis. Some people have a relapse of the infection during its latent stage. A relapse means that the …
Health topics
… Shigellosis is a type of foodborne illness caused by infection with the Shigella bacterium. It is more common in … Shigellosis is a type of foodborne illness caused by infection with the Shigella bacterium. It is more common in …
Health topics
… after it starts. If your child still has fluid after an ear infection, they are more likely to get another infection. In rare cases, fluid buildup that lasts 3 months … from coming back, improve hearing, and prevent repeat ear infections. These tubes stay in place for 6 to 12 months and …
Health topics
… What is influenza (flu)? Influenza (flu) is a viral infection . People often use the term "flu" to describe any … problems. But sometimes the flu can lead to a bacterial infection, such as an ear infection , a sinus infection , or bronchitis . Less often, …
Health topics
… human bites, need thorough cleaning to reduce the risk of infection and scarring and to promote healing. You may be … cause more damage to the tissue and increase the chance of infection. Scrubbing the wound will probably hurt and may … lengthwise, to hold the edges together. Watch for signs of infection. If an infection develops under a bandage, you may …
Health topics
… and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs until dengue infection has been ruled out. Be safe with medicines. Read … and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs until dengue infection has been ruled out. Be safe with medicines. Read …
Health topics
… burrow into the outer layers of the skin Pubic lice Yeast infection (cutaneous candidiasis) Psoriasis . There are two … patches and does not itch or burn. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) . Sores, blisters, or ulcers, especially … This will reduce the risk of spreading a possible infection to your partner. Your sex partner may also need to …
Health topics
… hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver caused by an infection with a virus. What causes it? Most cases of viral … hepatitis are hard to tell apart. But within weeks after infection, blood tests can show which virus is the cause of … hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver caused by an infection with a virus. What causes it? Most cases of viral …