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… risk even more. If you have epilepsy and become pregnant, stopping medicine treatment is not always the best solution. … are not yet pregnant but are planning to become pregnant, stopping medicine might be an option if you have been … so that you and your doctor can see the results of stopping your treatment. If you begin having seizures, you …
Health topics
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… heartburn. Because the nicotine in tobacco is addicting, stopping the use of tobacco is more difficult than simply … heartburn. Because the nicotine in tobacco is addicting, stopping the use of tobacco is more difficult than simply …
Health topics
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… not normal for you. Examples of abnormal bleeding include: Nosebleeds. Vaginal bleeding that is different (heavier, … not normal for you. Examples of abnormal bleeding include: Nosebleeds. Vaginal bleeding that is different (heavier, …
Health topics
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Health topics
… managing your angina. Let your doctor know if angina is stopping you from doing daily activities or doing things … managing your angina. Let your doctor know if angina is stopping you from doing daily activities or doing things …