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3896 results found
Health topics
… paralysis from a stroke . Treatment depends on what is causing your facial problem. In many cases, home treatment may … or blisters on face Do you think that a medicine may be causing the facial problem? Think about whether the symptoms started soon after you began using a new medicine or a higher dose of a medicine. Yes …
Health topics
Health topics
… a baby from a breech position to a head-down position by using a procedure called an external cephalic version. (If you are using a midwife and your baby is in breech position, your … your doctor will likely schedule a caesarean. If you are using a midwife, your midwife will refer you to a doctor for …
Health topics
… . It may also be caused by taking certain medicines, using vibrating power tools for several years, smoking, or … test or other tests to rule out diseases that may be causing your symptoms. How is Raynaud's phenomenon treated? If … . It may also be caused by taking certain medicines, using vibrating power tools for several years, smoking, or …
Health topics
… if you're doing more than one thing in the kitchen. Using a timer can help you stay on track. Set it for about 5 … if you're doing more than one thing in the kitchen. Using a timer can help you stay on track. Set it for about 5 …
Health topics
… newspaper and books to give your brain a workout Practice using your recall skills with memory triggers, like … fight stress and manage changes in your life, rather than using alcohol to help you cope Quit smoking. Smoking limits …