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Health topics
… a say in this decision, or you may simply want to follow your doctor's recommendation. Either way, this information will help you understand what your choices are so that you can talk to your doctor about … don't actually thin your blood. Instead, they increase the time it takes for a blood clot to form. Anticoagulants used …
Health topics
… While Breastfeeding On this page: Overview Overview You sometimes may notice that your milk does not flow easily, or let down , when you attempt to breastfeed or use a breast pump. Emotional stress, fatigue, anxiety, smoking, pain, or being cold are …
Health topics
… ovulation schedule. So can serious illness, emotional stress, overweight and low weight, and getting too much … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information … ovulation schedule. So can serious illness, emotional stress, overweight and low weight, and getting too much …
Health topics
… syndrome (say "ghee-YAN bah-RAY") is a problem with your nervous system . It causes muscle weakness, loss of reflexes, and numbness or tingling in your arms, legs, face, and other parts of your body. This … Numbness or tingling in your hands and feet and sometimes around the mouth and lips. Muscle weakness in your
Health topics
… To help strengthen and support healthy self-esteem in your child: Help your child learn how to make and keep friends. Healthy … self-esteem wavers from situation to situation and sometimes moment to moment, depending upon the interaction. A …
Health topics
… Symptoms Worse Actionset Overview Some medicines can affect your heart and make your heart failure worse. Others may keep your heart failure … Talk with your doctors about your medicines. Each time you see a doctor, make sure that they know that you …
Health topics
… you may be ready for gentle strengthening exercises for your stomach, back, and legs, and perhaps for some … it may also help you recover faster, prevent reinjury to your back, and reduce the risk of disability from back pain. … will be helpful, and you can gradually increase your time. Choose a couple of stretching and strengthening …
Health topics
… can appear 15 to 50 years after you had polio. It affects your muscles and nerves, and it causes you to have weakness, … without your knowing it. The nerves may break down over time and cause you to have weak muscles again. Researchers … help. Try to stay at a healthy weight. This can help reduce stress on your joints. Eat healthy foods, and stay as active …
Health topics
… Depression: Helping Someone Get Treatment Actionset Overview Your loved one or friend doesn't seem the same. You thought … Tell the person about depression and why you are concerned Stress that depression is not laziness or something in the … call for an appointment. "It's hard to schedule and find time for an appointment." "I can't get there." Look at your
Health topics
… for "BReast CAncer." BRCA gene changes aren't common. Your doctor may talk to you about testing based on your family medical history or your personal medical … age 40. 83 out of 100 Deciding about your options Take some time to think about your options. A genetic counsellor can …