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1666 results found
Health topics
… needing to wear pads to dribbling urine now and then during stressful activities. Surgery also can cause scar tissue … needing to wear pads to dribbling urine now and then during stressful activities. Surgery also can cause scar tissue … needing to wear pads to dribbling urine now and then during stressful activities. Surgery also can cause scar tissue …
Health topics
… candy, or chew a stick of peppermint gum. Peppermint may relax tight muscles in your stomach. It can help decrease … candy, or chew a stick of peppermint gum. Peppermint may relax tight muscles in your stomach. It can help decrease …
Health topics
Health topics
… (traveller's diarrhea). For some people, emotional stress, irritable bowel syndrome , anxiety, or food … (traveller's diarrhea). For some people, emotional stress, irritable bowel syndrome , anxiety, or food …
Health topics
… or pain that comes on or gets worse with exercise, stress, or eating a large meal and goes away with rest may … or pain that comes on or gets worse with exercise, stress, or eating a large meal and goes away with rest may …
Health topics
… or repeat the same activity. The repeated activity may stress joints or other tissues and cause pain and swelling. … or repeat the same activity. The repeated activity may stress joints or other tissues and cause pain and swelling. …
Health topics
… Walking on a beach or swimming in the ocean can be fun and relaxing. But just like with any other activities, injuries … Walking on a beach or swimming in the ocean can be fun and relaxing. But just like with any other activities, injuries …