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3986 results found
Health topics
… Wrist On this page: Overview Overview Your doctor can give you information about exercises for … from side to side. Stretching your fingers far apart, then relaxing them, then stretching them again. Stretching your … from side to side. Stretching your fingers far apart, then relaxing them, then stretching them again. Stretching your
Health topics
… therapy (IDET) is a treatment for chronic low back pain. Your doctor may suggest IDET if they think the pain in your back is coming from the disc itself. Your doctor may also suggest IDET if other treatments have …
Health topics
… contractions During the second and third trimesters of your pregnancy, you may notice times when your belly tightens and becomes firm to the touch and then … transition, you may be self-absorbed, focused on what your body is doing. You may want others nearby for support but be …
Health topics
… also called transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR). Your doctor will use a thin, flexible tube called a catheter to put in your new heart valve. Your doctor will put the catheter into … and the blood vessel (the aorta) that carries blood to your body. TAVI may also be done to place a new valve in an …
Health topics
… Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic disease that affects your central nervous system. It can cause swallowing … can help you manage MS. MS and healthy eating  Learn about your nutrient needs and how to eat a well-balanced diet with …
Health topics
… A headache. Chills. The rash can show up anywhere on your body, such as on your genitals, anus, face, arms, or legs. A rash can have …
Health topics
… 1 to 2 days after the procedure. Carefully follow all of your doctor's instructions after you've had an abortion. If … get instructions, follow this general advice. Do not rinse your vagina with fluids (douche). This could increase your … for 12 hours in a row. Signs of infection in your whole body, such as headache, muscle aches, dizziness, or a …
Health topics
… with formula Last updated June 10, 2024 Worried that your baby isn't getting enough to eat? Talk to your healthcare provider before you try adding formula. In … other foods like formula will not demand enough and your body will respond by making less milk. Engorgement. Your
Health topics
… A suprapubic catheter is a thin tube that drains urine from your bladder. The tube is put into your bladder through a small cut in your lower belly. The … This is called flank pain. You have a fever, chills, or body aches. You have groin or belly pain. Your urine is …
Health topics
… pregnancy Last updated August 3, 2013 When you're pregnant, your partner may be your primary support. But no one person can give you all you … of these teams should be people you trust. In addition to your doctor or midwife, your healthcare support team could …