3986 results found
Health topics
… Anemia during a healthy pregnancy is common. Anemia means your red blood cell level is low. It can happen when you're pregnant because your body is working hard to make more blood to help your baby …
Health topics
… to Expect Treatment Overview Sometimes your digestive system isn't able to process foods. Total … You may need TPN if you: Have an injury to or had part of your intestines removed. Have a problem that makes it hard … have TPN for days, weeks, or as long as needed. When your body is able to digest food, your doctor will stop giving …
Health topics
… usually brown in colour. They can appear anywhere on the body and can be different shapes and sizes. Some moles … of port-wine stains. If a port-wine stain makes you or your child feel shy or self-conscious, ask your doctor about treatment options and/or support groups …
Health topics
… shoulder pain that does not change when you move your neck, shoulder, or arm or that occurs with symptoms elsewhere in your body (such as in your abdomen or chest) may be referred …
Health topics
… the day can cause sleeplessness. Caffeine can stimulate the body for 3 to 7 hours and can interfere with your sleep as long as it remains in your body. Even the small amount of caffeine in …
Health topics
… The liver serves several important functions in the body, including changing nutrients into energy for the body and breaking down toxic substances. Your doctor may order a liver function panel if you have … include fever, vomiting, abdominal pain, yellowing of your eyes or skin ( jaundice ), dark yellow urine, and …
Health topics
… When you get immunotherapy in the form of allergy shots, your allergist or doctor injects small doses of substances that you are allergic to ( allergens ) under your skin. This helps your body "get used to" the allergen, which can result in fewer …
Health topics
… is a passage or hole that has formed between: Two organs in your body. An organ in your body and your skin. A fistula that has formed in the …
Health topics
… wheat, rye, and other grains. This problem starts when the body's immune system attacks the small intestine when gluten … a gluten-free diet can be challenging. But if you take your time to read labels and ask questions, you can stay on … Eggs and dairy products. Some milk products may make your symptoms worse. If you have questions about milk …
Health topics
… Acupressure may help relieve or shorten the duration of your morning sickness symptoms. Acupressure is based on … practices used to open up blocked energy pathways in the body. Instead of using acupuncture needles, you or a … or reduce nausea. The P6 point is on the inner side of your arm, in line with your middle finger. It is close to …