1095 results found
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… a doctor to learn whether a patient has had traumatic or stressful childhood experiences. Why screening is done Stress from ACEs can affect a person's health. This is true … into adulthood. When doctors know what types of childhood stress a person has had, they can better help with the …
Health topics
… Why It Is Done Urethral bulking may be done to treat: Stress incontinence in women. There are different types of surgery used to treat stress incontinence. Talk to your doctor about what is best for you. Mild stress incontinence in men that results from prostate …
Health topics
… have surgery You keep trying non-surgical treatment like stress reduction, joint rest, jaw exercises, ice, use of a … doing jaw stretches, wearing a dental splint when I'm under stress and grind my teeth at night, and using medicine when … for a while. You keep trying non-surgical treatment like stress reduction, joint rest, jaw exercises, ice, use of a …
Health topics
Health topics
… measures your resiliency—your ability to bounce back from stressful situations. People who are resilient recover … well. You are moderately resilient. You can deal with stress and change in your life, but you could improve. You … Although you have some qualities that help you deal with stress, you need to develop more qualities and strengthen …
Health topics
… progress. But it may improve function and provide some pain relief. How It Is Done Arthroscopic surgery (arthroscopy) is … progress. But it may improve function and provide some pain relief. How It Is Done Arthroscopic surgery (arthroscopy) is …
Health topics
… good choice if over-the-counter medicine does not bring you relief. Birth control hormones help relieve menstrual pain … good choice if over-the-counter medicine does not bring you relief. Birth control hormones help relieve menstrual pain …
Health topics
… meals and 1 hour before or after meals. Try distraction or relaxation techniques if you have nausea right before … you enjoy. Use deep breathing, guided imagery, or other relaxation techniques. Take care of yourself if you are … Pain Guided Imagery Leukemia Lung Cancer Progressive Muscle Relaxation Current as of: March 1, 2023 Author: …
Health topics
… These therapies may help you cope with the symptoms and stress of cancer. For example, acupuncture may help reduce … able may also ease your mind and make your final days less stressful and more meaningful. Learn more Care at the End of … and take time to do things you enjoy. This can help reduce stress. Think about joining a support group. Or discuss your …
Health topics
… pregnant can be an exciting time. But it can also be a stressful and emotional time. There's a lot you need to … doing. What are your biggest fears? What makes you the most stressed? How can they help? Do things you enjoy. Take time … some time for your favourite hobby. Find ways to manage stress. Make time for a stress-relieving activity each day. …