1024 results found
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… checked all the time. If you choose to have epidural pain relief , you will have monitoring all the time in labour. … checked all the time. If you choose to have epidural pain relief , you will have monitoring all the time in labour. …
Health topics
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Health topics
… a substance use crisis, or any other kind of emotional distress, get help right away. Call Talk Suicide Canada: … a substance use crisis, or any other kind of emotional distress, get help right away. Call Talk Suicide Canada: …
Health topics
… Try deep breathing, yoga , meditation , tai chi , or muscle relaxation techniques . Take a warm bath. Play a quiet game, … Try deep breathing, yoga , meditation , tai chi , or muscle relaxation techniques . Take a warm bath. Play a quiet game, …
Health topics
… more than it needs to. Other triggers can include emotional stress and things that affect the flow of blood, such as … it by avoiding the things that trigger it, such as cold or stress. If this doesn't work, your doctor may give you … triggering an attack. Try to stay calm when you are under stress. Anxiety can make your blood vessels constrict and …
Health topics
… may come up as you move on with your life. They may include stress, depression, confusion, or anxiety. Sometimes these … may affect a man's ability to have an erection. Also, the stress of being diagnosed with cancer may affect other areas … may come up as you move on with your life. They may include stress, depression, confusion, or anxiety. Sometimes these …
Health topics
… how to effectively manage the symptoms can reduce family stress and improve the functioning of the child with autism. … These breaks can help families communicate in a less stressful context and allow parents to focus on their … how to effectively manage the symptoms can reduce family stress and improve the functioning of the child with autism. …
Health topics
… allergic asthma . But allergy shots may provide long-term relief of symptoms. Allergy shots will probably help you. … your symptoms last most of the year, and you don't get relief if you take medicines or avoid allergens. Why might … allergic asthma . But allergy shots may provide long-term relief of symptoms. Allergy shots will probably help you. …
Health topics
… (when fibroids will shrink on their own), short-term relief from GnRH-a therapy can be a good choice. Why might … the medicine. Fibroid embolization may give longer-lasting relief from your symptoms than GnRH-a. Surgery to remove … (when fibroids will shrink on their own), short-term relief from GnRH-a therapy can be a good choice. Why might …