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3895 results found
Health topics
… In healthy adults, low blood pressure may not cause problems or symptoms. In fact, it may be normal for you. But if your blood pressure drops suddenly or causes symptoms like dizziness or fainting, it is too low. In … happen when blood pressure is less than 90/60. What causes it? Some causes of low blood pressure include: Getting …
Health topics
… communicate with a doctor or pharmacist. This could be because of distance and a lack of transportation, cultural or … it is hard for a child to follow the management plan, because the child must rely on the help of family members and … a bitter taste, and some young children will vomit or refuse their medicine. Work with your doctor. There may be …
Health topics
… It's sometimes called systolic heart failure. This is because your left ventricle doesn't squeeze forcefully enough … failure with improved ejection fraction. footnote 2 What causes it? There are many different problems that can cause heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. They …
Health topics
… can sit down. You can also get help from other people. Housekeeping services will clean your house and other services will deliver groceries and other … time for many years. Your situation will depend on the cause and severity of your heart failure as well as the …
Health topics
… had diabetes for more than 15 years. Your diabetes has caused problems with your eyes, kidneys, or nerves. Your risk … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means that you agree to the Terms of …
Health topics
… or IBS, is a problem with the intestines. IBS can cause belly pain, bloating, gas, constipation, and diarrhea. … changing their diet and easing stress. No specific foods cause everyone who has IBS to have symptoms. Many people find … and fizzy (carbonated) drinks. Avoid foods that may cause gas and bloating. Vegetables such as artichokes, …
Health topics
… your family in many ways. Fear and other emotions can cause stress. Financial worries from lost work or paying for … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means that you agree to the Terms of …
Health topics
… children under six years old. Diarrhea Diarrhea is often caused by an infection, illness or irritation. Your baby's … will be watery and foul smelling. Diarrhea is serious because it can cause dehydration, which can make babies very sick, very …
Health topics
… triggers. Triggers can bring up stressful feelings or cause you to have flashbacks, which means you feel like you're … reaction. It's normal to stay away from things that cause you stress. Because of this, you may feel like you can't do the things you …
Health topics
… patch to close the cut in the artery. Then the doctor will use stitches to close the cut in your skin. It will leave a … after surgery. You can do light activities around the house. But don't do anything strenuous until your doctor says … include: Infection. Nerve damage that could cause serious problems, like trouble swallowing. Bleeding in …