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Health topics
… for 2 to 4 weeks or longer, until the uterus has healed. Use sanitary pads until you stop bleeding. Using pads makes it easier to monitor your bleeding. Do not use tampons until your doctor says it's okay. If you have a … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means …
Health topics
… Treatment Overview Hydrotherapy is the use of water to treat a disease or to maintain health. It … to the development of naturopathic medicine. Hydrotherapy uses various forms of water, such as cold or hot water, ice, … may have headaches, aches and pains, sleep problems, nausea, chilliness, and faintness. Hydrotherapy to cleanse the …
Health topics
… of a numbing medicine ( local anesthetic ) is usually used for pain control. Medicine that causes unconsciousness ( general anesthetic ) may be used depending on the number of warts to be removed or …
Health topics
… lining of the eye is normally clear and colourless. What causes it? Pink eye is most often caused by a virus. It usually occurs at the same time as or … after you have had a cold. Less commonly, pink eye can be caused by infection with bacteria. Dry air, allergies, smoke, …
Health topics
… to the eardrum. This condition is called swimmer's ear, because it commonly occurs in people who have been swimming. But other people can get it too. What causes it? You can get swimmer's ear when bacteria or fungus … treating swimmer's ear: If your doctor prescribed eardrops, use them as directed. Talk with your doctor before putting …
Health topics
… in the tissue in and around the tendon. These tears are caused by overuse. This is often called Achilles tendinitis . Achilles … tear or completely tear (rupture) . A partial tear may cause mild or no symptoms. But a complete rupture causes pain …
Health topics
… injuries (also called pressure sores). These injuries are caused by constant pressure, which can limit the blood supply … injuries need more medical treatment. You may be able to use devices that help prevent pressure injuries. These … to be clean and comfortable. When helping someone bathe: Use gentle soap. Use warm (not hot) water. Wash gently with …
Health topics
… to wash the person's hair as often as they want. You can use a no-rinse shampoo, a no-rinse shampoo cap, or a dry shampoo when you can't use water. When washing a person's hair, let them do as much … drape over the shoulders to keep the person dry. Or you can use a salon-type cape if you prefer. Wet or no-rinse …
Health topics
… Surgery Overview What To Expect After Surgery Why It Is Used How Well It Works Risks What To Think About Surgery … In open surgery to remove kidney stones, the surgeon uses an incision in the person's abdomen or side to reach … your normal activities within 4 to 6 weeks. Why It Is Used Open surgery is rarely needed to remove kidney stones. …
Health topics
… your urethra and bladder into your ureter. The doctor may use a wire with a tiny basket on the end to take out a kidney stone. Or the doctor may use a laser to break up a stone. If this is done, the pieces … will help prevent an infection. Why It Is Done Urologists use ureteroscopy to remove stones that are stuck in the …