502 results found
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… take them regularly, or if you stop taking them, your OCD thoughts and behaviours will probably return. … anxiety. A person who has OCD has intrusive and unwanted thoughts and repeatedly performs tasks to get rid of the thoughts. For example, if you have OCD, you may fear that …
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… my pain not bother me as much," she says. Stopping negative thoughts to reduce pain Patty walks a lot, swims, and does … better." She learned to notice when she had those negative thoughts. "I would catch myself thinking, 'Why do I bother … told me about. Whenever I start thinking negative thoughts, I close my eyes and then picture my mind as a sky …
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… or vitamin B12 deficiency anemia. Ask you about thoughts of suicide. But depression often is missed in older … or vitamin B12 deficiency anemia. Ask you about thoughts of suicide. But depression often is missed in older …
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… linked with depression , psychosis , and, in rare cases, suicidal thoughts or suicide attempts. The link between this medicine … and miscarriages. It has been linked with depression and suicidal thoughts. Less serious side effects are dry skin, …
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… be hard to diagnose, because people often keep unhealthy thoughts and behaviours secret and may deny that they have a … In some cases, people who have an eating disorder may feel suicidal . Warning signs of possible suicide in children and … or the person with bulimia feels very discouraged or feels suicidal , call a doctor or other health professional …
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… also known as intimate partner violence, is a pattern of threats of or physical, sexual or emotional violence using …
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… about or has tried suicide. Serious signs include these thoughts: You have decided on how to kill yourself, such as … and get rid of tension. Guided imagery. This is a series of thoughts and images that can focus your attention away from … about or has tried suicide. Serious signs include these thoughts: You have decided on how to kill yourself, such as …
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