984 results found
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… again. People of any age can get hypothyroidism, but older adults are more likely to get it. Women age 60 and older … hypothyroidism. These include: Age and being female. Older adults are more likely to develop hypothyroidism than … is diagnosed. Watchful waiting may be okay for certain adults with mild (subclinical) hypothyroidism whose blood …
Health topics
… similar facial injuries that occur in older children or adults. Young children are less likely to break a facial … you may need. These include: Your age . Babies and older adults tend to get sicker quicker. Your overall health . If … that may quickly occur after a sudden illness or injury. Adults and older children often have several symptoms of …
Health topics
… . Learning About Hospice Palliative Care . Helping Older Adults With Grief . Health Topics Make a Wise Decision Take … Grief: Helping Children With Grief Grief: Helping Older Adults With Grief Current as of: March 27, 2023 Author: … . Learning About Hospice Palliative Care . Helping Older Adults With Grief . Health Topics Make a Wise Decision Take …
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… experience these benefits, including children and youth, adults and older adults and people with chronic conditions or disabilities. …
Health topics
… for or against routine skin cancer screening for adults at normal risk. footnote 1 This means there isn't enough evidence from studies to show that all adults with a normal risk for skin cancer would benefit from … for or against routine skin cancer screening for adults at normal risk. footnote 1 This means there isn't …
Health topics
… also knows this code word. You don't need to help an adult. Adults shouldn't ask children for help. For example, a child … also knows this code word. You don't need to help an adult. Adults shouldn't ask children for help. For example, a child …
Health topics
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… 1 You can get it from fortified foods (such as cereals) and supplements. If you are pregnant with twins or more, talk to … 1 You can get it from fortified foods (such as cereals) and supplements. If you are pregnant with twins or more, talk to …