3046 results found
Health topics
… ask your doctor about treatment options and/or support groups and counselling. Hemangiomas are formed by a … ask your doctor about treatment options and/or support groups and counselling. Hemangiomas are formed by a …
Health topics
… doctor's recommendation. Either way, this information will help you understand what your choices are so that you can … effects matter most to you? Yes No 3. 3, Do you have enough support and advice from others to make a choice? Yes No … effects matter most to you? Yes No 3. Do you have enough support and advice from others to make a choice? Yes No …
Health topics
… doctor's recommendation. Either way, this information will help you understand what your choices are so that you can … effects matter most to you? Yes No 3. 3, Do you have enough support and advice from others to make a choice? Yes No … effects matter most to you? Yes No 3. Do you have enough support and advice from others to make a choice? Yes No …
Health topics
… called a trapeze over your bed. You can use this to help move yourself around in bed. You will be very tired and … around with crutches or a walker. You may need some extra support or help at home for the next few weeks until your … around with crutches or a walker. You may need some extra support or help at home for the next few weeks until your …
Health topics
… percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Angioplasty helps blood flow more normally to the heart muscle. If you … a team of health professionals provides education and support to help you recover and start new, healthy habits, … a team of health professionals provides education and support to help you recover and start new, healthy habits, …
Health topics
… as children's acetaminophen or ibuprofen. If this doesn't help stop your child's headaches, or if the headaches happen … When your child has a headache, be sure to give comfort and support. Headaches can be painful and upsetting. Easing … When your child has a headache, be sure to give comfort and support. Headaches can be painful and upsetting. Easing …
Health topics
… doctor's recommendation. Either way, this information will help you understand what your choices are so that you can … effects matter most to you? Yes No 3. 3, Do you have enough support and advice from others to make a choice? Yes No … effects matter most to you? Yes No 3. Do you have enough support and advice from others to make a choice? Yes No …
Health topics
… doctor's recommendation. Either way, this information will help you understand what your choices are so that you can … effects matter most to you? Yes No 3. 3, Do you have enough support and advice from others to make a choice? Yes No … effects matter most to you? Yes No 3. Do you have enough support and advice from others to make a choice? Yes No …
Health topics
… from ages 2 to 5 years. Speech and language milestones help tell whether a child is developing as expected. … ages 1 to 2 There are things you can do to encourage and support your child's speech and language development. … ages 1 to 2 There are things you can do to encourage and support your child's speech and language development. …
Health topics
… concentrating. So it's important to see your doctor and get help to manage your symptoms. What causes restless legs … move throughout the day and night. Other factors that may support a diagnosis include: Having a family history (in a … move throughout the day and night. Other factors that may support a diagnosis include: Having a family history (in a …