3046 results found
Health topics
… expenses. Don't judge. Just track. This information will help you set new goals and make a plan. Learn more about … Many communities offer free or low-cost classes. They can help you learn how to create a budget, save for the future, … Make a plan you can follow. Choose a plan that will help you reach your goals. But make sure it's realistic. Ask …
Health topics
… Or you may get dizzy. Pain medicine and home treatment can help you feel better. How can you manage pain from menstrual … as you have cramps. If anti-inflammatory medicines don't help, try acetaminophen (Tylenol). Do not take two or more … Or take a warm bath. Heat improves blood flow and may help with pain. Lie down and put a pillow under your knees. …
Health topics
… started Exercise is one of the best things you can do to help keep your muscles strong and reduce joint pain and stiffness. And it can help you reach and stay at a healthy weight. But you want to … kind of activity would be good for you. These tips can help you exercise safely: Pace yourself , especially if you …
Health topics
… Overview Stretching and strengthening exercises can help a child who has juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) … and stiffness and maintain mobility. A physiotherapist can help figure out how much exercise is appropriate for each … has acute inflammation and pain, as it is essential to help prevent joint contractures . Strengthening exercises …
Health topics
… can keep it for you. Plan ahead. Know who you can call for help, and memorize the phone number. Be careful online too. … may be in an abusive relationship. There are people who can help you. You are not alone. Talk to someone you trust, such as a friend, a doctor, or a help centre. Talking with someone can help you make the …
Health topics
… for bedwetting uses praise, encouragement, and rewards to help a child gain bladder control. It's about telling … You know your child. If you think a reward system will help your child, then try it. If you think it may make your … child when he or she: Uses the toilet before going to bed. Helps to change wet sheets. Has a dry night. As part of this …
Health topics
… with your doctor about what treatment plan would be most helpful for your child. A child with DMDD can try different types of counselling. Some types can help them learn to change their thoughts and actions. Other types can help a child learn to better control their emotions. Family …
Health topics
… and joint stiffness. Many people benefit from plans to help them manage their symptoms. You and your doctor can … include medicine and other treatments. Early treatment can help you avoid disabling joint changes and chronic pain. You … Learn how to cope with your symptoms Find out what helps you feel better and what feels worse. Some people can …
Health topics
… and improve function in people who have RA. It may also help prevent the buildup of scar tissue. This can lead to … muscles against some resistance. Strengthening exercise helps people who have RA stay more active and able to do their daily activities. It even seems to help their outlook. footnote 1 Conditioning. Conditioning …
Health topics
… your doctor to plan a rehabilitation (rehab) program that helps you regain as much strength and flexibility in your … and physiotherapist to design a program that will best help you reach your rehab goals. A coordinated program of … and home exercises can advance healing in your knee and help you return to desired activities. Building strength and …