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3046 results found
Health topics
… works. Your genes could be the reason that a medicine helps you but doesn't help another person. Why is it used? Doctors use these tests to help them decide whether to prescribe a medicine. These …
Health topics
… around or if you get tired easily because of MS, it may help to make some changes in your home. Here are some things … around the house. Use specially modified chairs. They can help make it easier to sit down and stand up. Group the … grab bars to prevent falls. An occupational therapist can help you make these and other changes to your home, …
Health topics
… page: Overview Overview Exercise may help you feel better and relieve stress. It also keeps your heart, lungs, and muscles strong and helps you feel less tired. It also may improve your immune system, which can help you fight infection. Be sure to talk with your doctor …
Health topics
… During this meeting, focus on the following techniques to help you facilitate conversation. Listen carefully. Talk … club, sports team, or church group to meet new friends. Help your teen make plans for long breaks from school. This … programs, or possible jobs. Grief: Helping Teens With Grief Growth and Development, Ages 11 to …
Health topics
… Overview Understanding asthma can help you control your symptoms and reduce your risk of … know the symptoms of asthma. I know how my asthma medicines help me. I know what my asthma triggers are and what to do … when my symptoms are serious enough to call for emergency help. I know how to use my asthma action plan. I do what I …
Health topics
… Overview Shots, or injections, for arthritis knee pain can help you cope with the pain and be more active. The most … pain is caused by inflamed tissue, and the steroid shot can help reduce the inflammation. Steroids don't always work. … getting this shot. Many studies show that it doesn't help. Side effects A common side effect of shots for …
Health topics
… lose your balance and fall. There are things you can do to help keep yourself safe. These include taking precautions … Alert family and friends to your condition and how they can help during an attack of vertigo. Know whether medicines you … and toilet. Use night-lights. Keep floors dry. This will help prevent slipping. Store household items on low shelves. …
Health topics
… revert to acting like babies themselves for a while.  To help them prepare for the new addition: Introduce the idea … gift for becoming a big brother or sister How to help the older child with the new adjustment: If your child … his baby too. He can tell stories or sing to the baby, or help to wash the baby. Mention how helpful he is Make …
Health topics
… breaks the skin. Your child may bite on fingers or toys to help relieve the pressure in the gums. He or she may refuse … the gum. Babies may bite on their fingers or toys to help relieve the pressure in their gums. They may also … in Children When to Call a Doctor Home treatment usually helps relieve minor teething symptoms such as discomfort, …
Health topics
… video-assisted thoracic surgery , or VATS). Your doctor can help you understand which type of surgery is best for you. … also talk to your doctor about things you can do at home to help ease pain. Chest tubes One or more chest tubes are used … which are present after lung surgery. The chest tubes also help your lungs refill with air. Chest tubes are placed in …