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3046 results found
Health topics
… aspirin For people who have had a heart attack: Aspirin can help prevent a second heart attack. Your doctor has probably … for you. For people who have had a stroke: Aspirin can help prevent a second stroke or a transient ischemic attack … you can try taking it with food. But if that doesn't help, talk with your doctor. Aspirin can irritate the …
Health topics
… having a stroke. You will get medicine to prevent pain and help you relax. The doctor will put a small tube into a … the blood vessel will grow through and around the stent to help hold it in place. The procedure usually takes about 1 … the blood vessel will grow through and around the stent to help hold it in place. What To Expect You may need to stay …
Health topics
… haven't started a plan yet to get more active, it may be helpful to read: Fitness: Adding More Activity to Your Life … more active but are having trouble keeping it going, it may help to figure out what's getting in your way. Then you can … goals? You may need to come up with new short-term goals to help you get there. Short-term goals are things you want to …
Health topics
… loses control, and violently shakes the baby. Parents can help prevent this problem by learning healthy ways to … cases, the child may be in a coma before a caregiver seeks help. How is it diagnosed? Abusive head trauma can be hard … an intensive care unit (ICU). Oxygen therapy may be used to help the child breathe. Doctors may give the child medicine …
Health topics
… make healthy eating a pattern. Patterns of healthy eating help keep you well, and lower your risk for disease. Here … sugars, sodium, and fat. Water is good for your health and helps you stay hydrated without adding calories to your … buy, and learning about how they're marketed and sold, can help you be wise when shopping. Here are some things you can …
Health topics
… home to relieve the pain caused by your ingrown toenail and help the nail to grow out naturally: Soak your sore toe in … ball, under the corner of your ingrown nail. This will help lift the nail off of the skin. Soak your toe and change … Use these home treatment steps for 3 days. If they do not help, you might need to see your doctor. Be sure to see a …
Health topics
… and level of exercise is safe for you. Regular activity can help keep your heart and body healthy. The type and amount … you have other forms of heart disease. Regular activity can help keep your heart and body healthy. Get tests, if you … activities that you enjoy or want to try. Your doctor can help you choose activities that will help your heart and are …
Health topics
… may recommend taking calcium and Vitamin D. Calcium can help prevent bone thinning. Vitamin D helps your body absorb the calcium. Because of the risks of … steroids can weaken your immune system, and vaccines can help protect you from getting sick. Get regular …
Health topics
… always expanding. Interactions with family and friends will help shape their personality and ways of thinking and … with them. Image Caring for your preschooler Resources to help care for your preschoolers physical, emotional and …
Health topics
… what to expect. If you want, use books that are meant to help a young child prepare for the first dental examination. … once or twice before being examined. These types of visits help prepare your child and often make him or her more … are important to teach your child good dental care and to help prevent cavities and other problems. The examination …