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Health topics
… what you like and don't like about each facility. It may be helpful to keep written notes about each facility. Don't … where it's located. Answering the following questions can help you make the best possible decision: Does the nursing … call lights to be answered? Do you see staff members helping residents change their positions regularly (for …
Health topics
… . It lets you empty your bladder without getting up. To help prevent blood clots, you may be wearing compression … on your legs. These squeeze and release your lower legs to help keep the blood moving. Your recovery On the day of surgery or the day after, you'll get out of bed with help. You will learn how to walk with a walker or crutches. …
Health topics
… likely have an echocardiogram. You may have other tests to help your doctor see how well your heart is working. How is … You can live a full and active life by doing things that help keep your heart and body healthy. Here's how. Have a … If you smoke, try to quit. Medicines and counselling can help you quit for good. Avoid second-hand smoke too. Eat …
Health topics
… to find what works for you. Health Tools Health Tools help you make wise health decisions or take action to improve your health. Actionsets are designed to help people take an active role in managing a health … if you have: Symptoms of psoriasis. Early treatment may help keep the condition from getting worse. Signs of an …
Health topics
… Your doctor may have you wear a cast on your foot to help keep it stable. A splint may be used in some cases if there is a lot of swelling. You may use crutches to help keep weight off your foot. Your doctor may recommend … Your doctor may suggest that you get physiotherapy to help restore strength and range of motion in your foot. …
Health topics
… for Erection Problems— Sex therapy may be helpful for some men who have erection problems (erectile … gradual steps to change sexual behaviour. Sex therapy helps you understand and accept that emotions (such as … on the following: Both partners share responsibility for helping solve the problem, even if it is due to physical …
Health topics
… and advanced stages of the disease. Regular exercise can help you: Keep and improve muscle strength and endurance. … also reduce the chance of falling. A physiotherapist can help you learn exercises and stretches to do at home to … endurance. A physical or occupational therapist can also help you to: Plan more efficient movements for daily living …
Health topics
… Electrolytes keep your body's fluids in balance. They also help keep your body working normally, including your heart … rhythm, muscle contraction, and brain function. The kidneys help keep the right balance of water, salts, and minerals in … your electrolytes. Your doctor also may order this panel to help diagnose a medical condition. This panel measures the …
Health topics
… such as aortic valve stenosis. Use of a cardiac device that helps the heart pump blood, called a ventricular assist … of acquired von Willebrand disease includes medicines that help your body have enough von Willebrand clotting factor in the blood. This von Willebrand factor helps your blood clot. Von Willebrand …
Health topics
… between you and your partner. The best results will help you find methods for having more satisfying sex. … as a team. Cognitive-behavioural therapy or hypnosis to help you gain control of symptoms that are producing … Behaviour training, such as assertiveness techniques to help you express your sexual needs with confidence. …