3046 results found
Health topics
… Overview Immunizations save lives. They are the best way to help protect you or your child from getting certain diseases … often no medical treatments for these diseases. They also help reduce the spread of disease to others to prevent … contagious illnesses. But you can teach healthy habits to help reduce your child's risk of infections. Teach your …
Health topics
… If a child writes on the wall with crayons, have the child help you wash it and take away the crayons for a short time. … time, they can have a friend over. Make it easy to succeed. Help your child to meet your expectations by giving them helpful tools. For example, rearrange space where items …
Health topics
… do every day to prevent it. Learn how to exercise right to help the circulation in an arm or leg that is affected. … was removed. Keep lymph fluid moving Do all you can to help keep the lymph fluid moving so that it doesn't collect … about what daily exercises you should do. Exercises can help drain the lymph fluid. See a physiotherapist . He or …
Health topics
… own. Should I burp my baby? Burping between feedings may help bring up air bubbles and prevent some spitting up. To … However, if you choose to smoke, breastfeeding will still help your baby. The antibodies and other protective factors in human milk help protect babies from some of the harmful effects of …
Health topics
… new ways to slow down and control your breathing may help. You may feel better and be able to do more because you … methods? Pursed-lip breathing Pursed-lip breathing helps you breathe more air out so that your next breath can … of breath. Belly breathing Breathing with your diaphragm helps your lungs expand so that they take in more air. Your …
Health topics
… sneeze can spread germs too. Washing your hands often can help you keep germs and infection from spreading. Keeping the home clean can help too. To help reduce germs and avoid infections, make sure to …
Health topics
… on their own after about a week. Treating your symptoms may help you feel better. Take medicine to reduce the pain and … ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), or naproxen (Aleve), usually help. Get extra rest. Drink plenty of fluids. If your pain … pain that lasts for months or even years. Antibiotics won't help, because this illness is caused by a virus, not …
Health topics
… problems and type 2 diabetes. Useful resources Flourish – Helping You Move Through Life with Arthritis (Arthritis … hub called flourish has articles with information to help you start or improve an exercise program, learn about … available on this website are exercise and fitness tools to help you get moving including ‘Your Exercise Solution’ and …
Health topics
… acute flaccid myelitis. But doctors can give treatment to help manage the symptoms. You may get physiotherapy or occupational therapy to help regain function in your arms and legs. If you have … How can you protect yourself? You can take steps to help protect yourself and your family from viruses and …
Health topics
… deficit hyperactivity disorders (ADHD) . These tests can help measure and compare a child's behavior with that of … recommends completing one of these rating scales to help diagnose ADHD. The most common of these tests are … also. Evaluations of a child in different environments can help determine if the child has a behaviour problem related …