3046 results found
Health topics
… the year. Learning what triggers your allergy symptoms will help you manage and treat your allergies. Managing your allergies is an important part of your health and can help you avoid other problems. How can you control allergens … in your bedroom. Clean often. Regular housecleaning can help prevent allergens from building up. Control dust and …
Health topics
… a soft, compressible nipple or a bottle you can squeeze to help the flow of milk. A health professional who specializes … feeding your baby who has a cleft palate . These tips can help whether you are using breast milk that you have pumped … bottle you can squeeze. Squeeze it gently during feeding to help the flow of milk. Prop your baby in an upright …
Health topics
… before school - Actively participate in making lunch, or help younger siblings get ready for school Do some body … Check in and find out what has happened in everyone's day Help set and clear the table Help prepare the food (i.e. grate cheese, wash lettuce) …
Health topics
… likely have ongoing questions and concerns. Your doctor can help answer your questions. And he or she can guide you to appropriate resources to help you manage your feelings and plan for your child's … concerns like: Growth and development. Discuss how self-help skills (such as grooming and dressing) are developing …
Health topics
… of your body. Such tests include: X-rays . They can help measure the extent of arthritis or injuries to the … medicines. Physiotherapy and daily exercises can be helpful. If these treatments aren't helping you enough, you may need other treatments. This …
Health topics
… not be as hard as you think. Here are some ideas that can help. Get help. If your diet guidelines are confusing or hard to … guidelines for kidney disease. Your doctor or dietitian can help you decide what's most important for your health. Make …
Health topics
… Building self-esteem is a lifelong process, but it can help you feel better about yourself and your life. Healthy self-esteem can help you work well with others, deal with difficulties, and … in. Make your room, apartment, or home special for you. Help someone or do a favour for somebody else. Take time to …
Health topics
… from healthy tissue near the tumour. The tumour grade may help predict how quickly the cancer will grow and spread. Knowing the stage and grade of a cancer helps doctors know what treatment to use. It also helps predict how long the person will survive and what …
Health topics
… that you and your partner practice certain techniques to help delay ejaculation. Counselling or behavioural therapy may also help reduce anxiety related to premature ejaculation. … one of their side effects is inhibited orgasm, which helps delay ejaculation. There are also creams, gels, …
Health topics
… healing, and improve sleep. Reiki is sometimes used to help people who suffer from pain or discomfort from cancer … But some health professionals believe it may be useful in helping reduce stress and anxiety. Talk with your doctor … you would like to try or are already using. Doctors can help you manage your health better if they know about all of …