3046 results found
Health topics
… as they want to be. You can try the following strategies to help manage your toddler's challenging behaviour: Minimize … measures such as time-outs. Other strategies can help teach your child limits, such as using a firm voice, … Compliment your child for good behaviour. Approval helps your child learn proper behaviour and reinforces a …
Health topics
… to your baby. This can be scary to see. But these things help the doctor treat your baby. The tubes supply air, … to your baby. The wires are attached to machines that help the doctor keep track of your baby's vital signs. These … to tell if your baby isn't getting enough fluids and how to help your baby get more fluids. Follow-up care is a key part …
Health topics
… use. Make sure to get rid of medicine safely. Doing so can help prevent other people, or even animals, from using … about your old or unwanted medicines, ask a pharmacist for help. Check the label on the bottle or box. The label may … any personal information printed on the label. This will help protect your identity and health information. Mix the …
Health topics
… is a simple but powerful exercise for vertigo . It can help improve your balance. Walking with greater balance will … As you walk, you will also be working your muscles. This helps you keep muscle tone and may increase your strength. … with you. Here are three walking exercises that can slowly help improve your balance. "Walk and stop" exercise for …
Health topics
… corticosteroids used? Inhaled corticosteroids are used to help: You breathe better. Prevent and improve your asthma … you need to take them every day. Controller medicines don't help right away when you're having an asthma attack. They … your mouth after you use a corticosteroid inhaler. This can help you avoid thrush, a fungal infection in the mouth. …
Health topics
… of antiplatelets. Why are antiplatelets used? Antiplatelets help lower the risk of a heart attack or stroke. … Platelets are cells that stick together, or clump, and help to form blood clots. These medicines keep platelets from clumping together. This helps to prevent blood clots from forming or getting bigger. …
Health topics
… memories (sometimes called life review or reminiscence) helps older adults relive past events in their lives. By … with the story. Most of the time, experiencing an emotion helps the person who is grieving. If the older person looks … about the person that you didn't already know and that help you better understand his or her reactions to …
Health topics
… on the thumb is one sign of intense sucking.) Ask for help to stop. Develop dental or speech problems as a result … parents setting rules and providing distractions. It may help to limit the times and places that your child is … wrapping the thumb with an adhesive bandage or a cloth may help remind your child not to suck the thumb. Offering …
Health topics
… in their community. For example, neighbours may try to help the family in many ways—such as by doing chores, … records for past tests, treatments, and hospital stays may help a doctor or nurse find out if a health problem is real. … child doesn't get better, even with treatments that should help. Symptoms only occur when the caregiver is with or has …
Health topics
… lens. A variety of IOL types are available. Your doctor can help you choose the type that may work best for you. An IOL … you may be able to have cataract surgery and get an IOL to help treat both issues. The chance of having retinal … nearsighted, there are two ways that IOLs may be able to help treat the nearsightedness: When the surgeon replaces …