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Health topics
… And try some of the following home treatment measures to help ease pain and speed healing. What to eat and drink … such as Orabase to coat your mouth sores before eating. To help ease pain, use a non-prescription medicine, such as … to your doctor. He or she may prescribe medicines that can help with mouth pain. Colorectal Cancer …
Health topics
… may also suggest some of these treatments. Fibre. Fibre helps keep water in your stool, making it softer and easier … keep stool soft. Prescription medicines. Some medicines may help with your bowels. But others can make constipation … that will not cause constipation. Biofeedback. This can help retrain your pelvic floor muscles to know when to relax …
Health topics
… cycle going. Progressive muscle relaxation helps break this cycle by reducing muscle tension and … general mental anxiety. Progressive muscle relaxation often helps people get to sleep. Procedure You can use a recording to help you go through all the muscle groups, or you can just …
Health topics
… Using a spacer with an inhaled corticosteroid medicine can help reduce the medicine's side effects. It can also help you use less oral corticosteroid medicine. A spacer is … given over a period of 10 to 15 minutes. Nebulizers may be helpful for those who are ill, who have serious difficulty …
Health topics
… device, or fitness app can remind you to walk more. It can help you set goals and make walking a habit. Experts … It adds up all the steps you take during the day. It can help motivate you to walk. A quick check may show that you need more steps for the day and help you set goals to take more steps. Some also can show …
Health topics
… sugar can damage tiny blood vessels in your kidneys that help filter waste from your blood. This kidney damage is … The immune system is the body's natural defence system that helps fight infections. People with high blood sugar from … such as Gram-negative bacteria or fungi. Prevention You can help prevent or delay complications by keeping your blood …
Health topics
… Information Overview When a food comes in a package, it's helpful to look at the Nutrition Facts label and ingredient … that is low in saturated fat to each meal and snack can help you feel full longer. Sodium. Many packaged and canned … food labels list potassium, which is a nutrient that can help maintain a normal blood pressure. Healthy kidneys keep …
Health topics
… problems you have or medicines you take. Your doctor can help you choose the birth control method that is right for … is also a safe way to avoid having your period. This may help if you have painful periods. It's convenient. You put … if your sex partner(s) might have an STI, use a condom to help protect against disease. The patch may cause changes in …
Health topics
… to 2 years to assess your lung function. If your treatment helps you only a little, or if your symptoms change, you may … monitor the changes in how well your lungs function. It can help you know in advance when you may have a sudden increase … how severe they are, and knowing what triggers them can help your doctor determine the best treatment. Related …
Health topics
… Clinical trials are research studies in which people help doctors find ways to improve health care. Each study … more side effects than standard treatments. Clinical trials help drug companies make medicines that are safer and more … effective with fewer side effects. Clinical trials also help these companies decide whether to seek approval from …