3046 results found
Health topics
… have you bite down on a small piece of plastic. This will help align the teeth properly for the machine. Your dentist … put a sealant on the chewing surface of your back teeth to help prevent cavities. Sealants keep food and bacteria from … may apply a fluoride solution directly to your teeth to help prevent tooth decay. Your dentist may recommend a …
Health topics
… . Fever medicine (such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen) may help reduce fever discomfort. Over-the-counter cough and … disease. Handwashing removes the germs on your hands and helps stop the spread of germs to your child when you touch … for respiratory infections. Sometimes medicines are used to help prevent respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infections in …
Health topics
… Overview Drug-eluting stents can help prevent a coronary artery from narrowing again after … the blood vessel grow through and around the stent to help secure it. Living with a stent You don't have to live … medicines Take your blood-thinning medicines to help prevent a heart attack. You may take aspirin plus …
Health topics
… A cochlear implant is a small electronic device that can help "make" sound if you have a certain type of severe … to understand speech and speak clearly. Speech therapy will help you make the most of your cochlear implant. Training in … facial expressions, posture, and tone of voice) may also help you. Risks Cochlear implants have a low rate of …
Health topics
… the medicine," Ravi says with a laugh. But the counsellor helped him see the link between his back pain and … made a guided imagery recording that Ravi could use to help him relax when he felt upset or anxious. Ravi noticed … rides with my son. I took walks with my wife. The exercise helped my back and my mood." "The important thing is to give …
Health topics
… any symptoms? Include how long I've have had them and what helps relieve them. If I have pain, describe where it is, … how severe it is. If I have had these symptoms before, what helped then? Has there been a recent change in my normal … I do? Ask the following questions about what you can do to help treat your condition. What do I need to change? How? …
Health topics
… each day for a bowel movement. Having a daily routine may help. Take your time and do not strain when you are having a bowel movement. This treatment may help reduce the formation of new pouches (diverticula) and … getting plenty of fluids, and exercising regularly may help prevent diverticulosis. …
Health topics
… can correct the way teeth and jaws line up. That may help a person feel better about their appearance, and also … appliances. For this, the child wears a device that helps move the jaw into a better position. This treatment … to slowly move the teeth to correct the bite. This can also help move a child's jaw into the right position. Braces or …
Health topics
… Motrin) 30 to 60 minutes before your appointment. This can help with cramps during the IUD removal. First, you'll have … ask you to lie back on the table. It has footrests that help keep your legs comfortable. To remove the IUD, your … other tools may be used. Or an ultrasound may be done to help with IUD removal. What To Expect You can go back to …
Health topics
… are counselling and medicine. Counselling involves helping the person gradually learn to get rid of unneeded … decision-making, and relaxation skills. Medicine can also help sometimes. The medicines that help the most are ones that are also used to treat …