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3048 results found
Health topics
… protein normally found in the lungs and the bloodstream. It helps protect the lungs from the damage caused by … at any age. Treatment for COPD may include medicines to help you breathe easier. It may also include pulmonary … exercise, eating, and breathing tips and other ways to help yourself stay as healthy and strong as you can. And …
Health topics
… urge incontinence or overactive bladder that hasn't been helped by other treatment. Posterior tibial nerve … and mixed incontinence. There is some research that it can help reduce how often women have incontinence. footnote 1 In … 8 weeks. footnote 2 Posterior tibial nerve stimulation may help about half of the people who get it. In one study, …
Health topics
… is staying the same, getting better, or getting worse. It helps you know if you need to take action. How do you … the results, talk with your doctor. If you use medicine to help with breathing (such as for asthma), talk to your … Be sure to sit up or stand up as straight as possible to help you take as large a breath as you can. Use the same …
Health topics
… part of weight-loss programs. Having more muscle will help you burn more calories throughout the day. Lifting … or cross-country skiing. These routine activities can help you burn calories: Washing and waxing a car. Raking … bothers you while you exercise. He or she will be able to help you find other types of exercise. If you have coronary …
Health topics
… as at daycare. Most biting can be prevented when adults help children find better ways to express their feelings. A … "No! We do not bite." For children ages 15 to 36 months, help them find other ways to express their feelings. For … Use simple and direct language. Positive reinforcement also helps. Praise your child when he or she shows behaviours …
Health topics
… on relieving symptoms, improving heart function, and helping you live longer. You may also have other treatment … probably take several medicines to slow the disease and help you feel better. Your doctor may suggest an implanted … as prescribed. This gives you the best chance of being helped by them. Live a healthy lifestyle. A heart-healthy …
Health topics
… and make it hard to breathe. Spinal fusion is surgery that helps straighten the curves. It can relieve pain, make … turning of the person and deep breathing and coughing help prevent this. Deep wound infections are rare but may … back. Some people bend their hips and knees a little to help them straighten up, which can lead to pain around those …
Health topics
… work well). Get up and walk every hour or so. This will help blood flow in your legs and will make sure that your … for your insulin. Take both with you on your trip to help you pass through customs with your syringes, needles, … a language/translation book or other type of aid that will help you express your diabetes needs to others if you are …
Health topics
… ACE inhibitors are safe and effective medicines that help you feel better and live longer. They can help prevent many heart and blood vessel problems. What … and natural health products. That information will help prevent serious problems. Always be sure you get …
Health topics
… Safely Actionset Overview Warfarin is a medicine that helps prevent blood clots. It is often called a blood … warfarin. How do you take warfarin safely? These steps can help you take warfarin safely. Follow the instructions for … you might be pregnant, call your doctor. Know when to get help for signs of bleeding. Call 9-1-1 or other emergency …