3048 results found
Health topics
… adults. Young children speak very directly and simply. This helps other children learn speech. Talking with you and … TV, videos, and video games don't seem to encourage or support children's development of speech or language skills. … TV, videos, and video games don't seem to encourage or support children's development of speech or language skills. …
Health topics
… themselves questions and thinking about their answers helps them figure out what change might be needed. Even if … or to fill these roles? How, if at all, does my behaviour support these qualities or roles? For example, how does … or to fill these roles? How, if at all, does my behaviour support these qualities or roles? For example, how does …
Health topics
… to repair the rupture. Rehab can strengthen the tendon and help the tendon heal. A rehab program typically includes … He or she will also provide education, instruction, and support for recovery. For an Achilles tendon injury, the … He or she will also provide education, instruction, and support for recovery. For an Achilles tendon injury, the …
Health topics
… and see if the urge is still there. Call a friend to get support. Think about your tobacco use and your goals. Remind … you can try to see what might work for you. Maybe they will help you think of other things you can do to help when you … and see if the urge is still there. Call a friend to get support. Think about your tobacco use and your goals. Remind …
Health topics
… or you've been living with it for a while, you will find helpful information here. Our topics will teach you about … Volume and Forced Vital Capacity Fran's Story: Finding Support When You Have COPD Living With More Than One Health … Volume and Forced Vital Capacity Fran's Story: Finding Support When You Have COPD Living With More Than One Health …
Health topics
… these criteria, known as the Rome III criteria, to help doctors determine whether symptoms are caused by … of your stool. Having any of the following symptoms supports the diagnosis of IBS. A change in how often you … of your stool. Having any of the following symptoms supports the diagnosis of IBS. A change in how often you …
Health topics
… be weak. Some people may need to wear a cast or brace to support an area where movements aren't under control. Why It … a child to sit and walk more easily. It also may be done to help prevent hip dislocation in children who are at risk. … be weak. Some people may need to wear a cast or brace to support an area where movements aren't under control. Why It …
Health topics
… the knee suddenly and unexpectedly gives way and does not support your body weight. It is also common to have a … These tests show the tissues inside your knee. This can help the doctor rule out other possible causes of your … the knee suddenly and unexpectedly gives way and does not support your body weight. It is also common to have a …
Health topics
… abnormalities in the brain's electrical activity that may help confirm the diagnosis of epilepsy. CT and MRI scans can … A seizure that occurred at night. There is some evidence to support the use of antiepileptic medicines after a first … A seizure that occurred at night. There is some evidence to support the use of antiepileptic medicines after a first …
Health topics
… at which puberty starts varies widely among individuals. Helping your child or teen handle puberty issues Having an … through puberty themselves. Fortunately, education and support for adolescents during this period of life are … through puberty themselves. Fortunately, education and support for adolescents during this period of life are …